Words of wisdom written from eleven different mothers to a new mom.
Our Longsuffering Lord
The characteristics of our God are so beyond our comprehension, not the least of which is His longsuffering nature.
Is Your All on the Altar?
Three years ago, on my 32nd birthday, I found a large bald spot on the back of my head. I panicked and thought of the most horrific things that could be wrong with me.
Balancing Home and the Ministry
14 practical thoughts on balancing life for the busy woman in full time Christian service (or any Christian service).
Each Life Affects Another
We may not always realize That every thing we do, Affects not only our lives But touches others, too!
A Very Lovely Accident
Is snow just a winter decoration? Or does it sit on mountain tops waiting for the warm springs to melt it into rains needed for the streams and farms below? A very lovely accident.
Scripture Meditations & Answered Prayer
Dear Ladies, We are rejoicing at Haven Baptist Church over the many prayer requests that have been answered these last few weeks. I don’t know what all you ladies are doing …
The Turn of the Season
It’s been a long winter. Cold, dark, and let’s face it, depressing at times. Talk of the coming season creeps into our conversations. The kids are excited about green grass …
“Why I Wear Skirts” ::: A Personal Apologetic
Let me be frank and begin by saying, my ideas about dress and modest apparel have not always been correct.
A Smooth Transition
Looking for a heat wave? Come to Thailand! We turned the calendar page from February to March, and I’m fairly certain that little action signaled the temperature to soar to …
“For Ten Years I Played a Game” ::: Shannon’s Story
Read the personal story of one of our readers!
I was born into a good family…my dad was a Naval officer and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. While both my parents taught me good manners, a good work ethic, and respect for others, it was solely my mom who faithfully took me to church.
Women in the Work Place {Part 2}
“And be not conformed…” A challenge to the woman who works in the world.
Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour?
:::Book Recommendation:::
Our commitment to Christ is reflected in the spirit that seeps out of us…What does your fruit taste like?
Some Qualities to Cultivate as a Christian Leader’s Wife
Love… This is the most important quality you will need. When your church people know that you love them, they will be willing to overlook many of your shortcomings. In …
God Is Truth
“For Thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and Thy truth unto the clouds.” (Psalm 57:10) Mercy and truth are so often grouped together in the Word of God. Psalm …
Harvest Time…
I am no farmer. Neither am I a farmer’s wife. But, alas, the LOVE of planting a garden resides in my farm-reared husband, surfacing every spring and resulting in a …
Lessons from a Crazy Bird!
Our house here in South Africa is surrounded by trees—big trees, tall trees, trees with lots of shade. Since we have lots of trees, we also have an abundance of …
Depression. Ten letters, but sometimes from the way it is handled in Christian circles, you would think it had four.