This is the second article in a series called #RelationshipGoals. To read the original article, click here. For me, it’s red velvet cheesecake, bacon-wrapped dates, and a brand new journal. …
The Preacher’s Wife
There is one person in your church Who knows your preacher’s life! She’s wept and smiled and prayed with him, And that’s your preacher’s wife! She knows your prophet’s weakest …
Time for a Change
To various people the word “spring” ignites different thoughts. Most would admit that this seasons brings refreshment. If I were to summarize in one word what springtime has meant this …
A Little Mixed Up
Just a line to say I’m living That I’m not among the dead Tho’ I’m getting more forgetful And I’m mixed up in the head. It’s my turn to write …
The “One Anothers” of the New Testament ::: #25-28
There are 59 verses in the New Testament that include the words “one another” in them. Here are the next four.
Unanswered Prayer
Is there a prayer in your heart that you have long expected to be answered? Perhaps it is something that seems so right and so just and so pleasing to …
Gird up your mind…
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus …
The Road of Life
At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I …
God Is Enough
I am presently teaching a Sunday school class to the young ladies of the church here in Francistown. It has been a lot of fun to get to know them …
Recipes from Myanmar
The following three recipes come from our Lisu friends and represent some common dishes from Northern Myanmar. Plenty of rice is a must with Asian food. Plan for one cup …
Counting the Cost, Part 2
Being the wife of a man in full-time Christian service can be a very fulfilling and satisfying calling. It can also be a very hazardous occupation. Therefore, there are three …
Going into Pain
As a mother who has raised children without organized sports.., there is a character gap that is difficult to teach. It is a concept that I may not be appreciated …
Have You Bought Your Seeds Yet?
“Well here’s How To Plant Your Garden” (Advice on how to plant a Spiritual Garden) First – Plant three hills of “peas” (Read John 14:27) Peace of Heart Peace of …
#RelationshipGoals: Being Pursued
If you’re like me… …you’ve probably seen pictures posted on Facebook or Instagram, with the caption “relationship goal!” Some pictures are sweet, others corny, but they all somehow exemplify traits …
Our Moments Kept for Jesus
The following article is taken from the book, Kept for the Master’s Use, by Frances Havergal. Keep my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise. We do …
Because He Is
And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, …
You Don’t Do What?!?!
We are natural health people. As a general rule….we don’t take medicine…we don’t vaccinate…we take supplements …we are careful eaters…we exercise, and we get adjusted. A common misconception is that …
Points on Prayer
In my quiet time lately… I have been studying the prayers of Paul that he recorded in his epistles in the New Testament. These prayers have always intrigued me, and …