Are We There Yet?

If you have ever gone anywhere with children, you have heard this question. However, don’t we often ask it ourselves? Are we not always looking for a finish line? There …

Why Art Thou Cast Down?

Let’s not be naive. Even in Christian circles depression, anxiety, panic, crisis, abuse, drugs, affairs, hardships, loneliness, self harm, shame and many tears occur. Right now, you may know someone …

Eating 101

Count points? You’ve been on Weight Watchers. Log your meals? You’re doing My Fitness Pal. Remove carbs? Atkins. Food come in a box? NutraSystem. More than half of all women …

Are you pushing up rain?

Thinness, the pursuit of thinness, you can’t-be-too-rich-or-too-thinĀ attitudes, are all so common in society that I know of NO ONE that isn’t watching their weight, dieting or controlling their food in …


New Year’s Resolution

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


It Is Enough

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …

Time to Wake Up

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


This Little Light of Mine

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …

Real Women

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


Finding the Sweet Spot:
Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …

Heathens in Medicine

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


When the Plague Hits

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


Crossing the Line

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …

For Women Only: Do You Stink?

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …


Don’t Be Fooled – Or, Why I Hate Fast Food

Dr. Michelle ZarrilloJoyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and …

Going into Pain

As a mother who has raised children without organized sports.., there is a character gap that is difficult to teach. It is a concept that I may not be appreciated …

You Don’t Do What?!?!

We are natural health people. As a general rule….we don’t take medicine…we don’t vaccinate…we take supplements …we are careful eaters…we exercise, and we get adjusted. A common misconception is that …

Have You Thought about It?

Most women have looked in the mirror… and been less than thrilled with the weight of the image looking back at them. Although I will discuss some, not all, of …


Hot and Cold

More often then not, we choose our own health issues. It can be chosen by poor habits, foolish choices, stubborn attitudes or ignorance.


There are reasons…

How do we bring glory to God through what we eat? And can nutrition effect us spiritually?