Besides, “Don’t play ball in the house,” haven’t we all heard growing up that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? Yet, from our teen years until you hit the senior age bracket, up to 40% of Americans don’t eat breakfast. Some figures have this number as high as 50%. Of those that do actually eat breakfast, less than 20% get a truly healthy breakfast.
Chicken in Coconut Milk (Ginataang Manok)
Recently, we had the privilege of having a Filipino pastor in our home. It was the first time he had been out of his country and I wanted to make something familiar to him. After looking up several recipes, I came upon this one. Not only were the ingredients readily available, but this dish was very easy to make.
Attitude 101
Here is a great little 4 x6 book that you could fit in your purse and pull out when you have a few moments. It is packed full of motivating ideas on mastering a great attitude. These scriptural principles will help equip you with the right kind of attitude that will impact your life and the lives of others you come in contact with on a daily basis.
White Chicken Enchiladas
Need a quick and impressive meal for the upcoming holidays? White Chicken Enchiladas are simple to put together, versatile, and smell so amazing while baking! Try some different variations of this basic recipe or try making them in your crock pot for an easy Sunday meal!
Go Fly A Kite!
As temperatures drop, we all hunker down and try to stay warm and cozy indoors. In fact, most Americans spend more than 90% of their time indoors. Some have called it the human zoo syndrome. Some call it an epidemic of inactivity. Regardless, very few still heed their mothers sound advice, “Go outside; it’s good for you.” There are some excellent reasons for spending time outdoors, even in the winter, even if you are older, even if…, well, you get the picture.
The Practice of the Presence of God
I would highly recommend this classic book of practical Christian devotion to anyone who is interested in the art of “practicing the presence of God.” Brother Lawrence allows you to take a personal look into his own life to see how he humbly, willingly and faithfully tried to please the Lord with every fiber of his being. He so much enjoyed pleasing the Lord, by practicing the Presence of the Lord that you will find his love for God contagious with each chapter you read. His writings on this subject will encourages you to simply & daily practice living in the presence of God all days of your life.
Can You Be Too Clean?
I use coupons. I shop based on store specials and plan my menu accordingly. Each week, I am more and more annoyed at the advertisements and specials taking the place of useful food sales for cleaning supplies. I especially hate air freshener ads. I have been in houses that try to mask their filth with air freshener smells. I do not advocate slovenliness, but I think most cleaning supplies are unnecessary and many are downright dangerous and harmful. Did you know that it is less expensive and healthier to clean with natural products?
Encouragement Changes Everything
Everyone needs encouragement. There is probably not a day that goes by where God doesn’t purposely put people in our paths to encourage. We have many opportunities to be clean and useful vessels unto God’s honor and glory through our words and actions. Our daily words and actions have the power to change history in the lives of those around us…and to think it doesn’t cost us anything in most cases, but a willing heart.
Three… Six… and Nine
It may be common knowledge to some that people need essential fatty acids, but the why and how to apply the known need is a mystery to most people. Some people run from fat all together; some consume the wrong kind of fat. Neither extreme is correct. Essential Fatty Acids are known as Omega 3, 6, and 9. They are essential because we need them for health, but cannot produce them on our own. We must consume these fats through diet or supplementation.
A Faith-Full Marriage
Every married couple should read about a godly marriage on a daily basis. Just five minutes a day will keep you motivated to work on your most important earthly relationship. Remember, good and godly marriages are no accident. They must be the first priority in your life after your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. In order to be all they need to be and all you want them to be, they need to be maintained daily.
Granola Bars
My daughters have been making granola bars for their families and I happened to taste them while visiting recently. They were so good that I decided to give the recipe a try. I now make them, and always a double batch at a time!! They are so easy and make a nice healthy treat to pack in my husband’s lunch.
Probiotics: Got Yogurt?
It is a wild concept that you should willingly swallow billions of bacteria each day and that this might be good for your health. It may be even harder to believe that doing so can prevent allergies, eliminate irritable bowel syndrome, reduce bloating, treat female infections, prevent colds, enhance our immune system and eliminate diarrhea. As difficult as this is to believe, there is a growing body of scientific evidence stating just that. It is being touted as a new wonder for your health, but when you look around the world, cultures have always used natural-occurring bacteria in their food to promote health. I am speaking of probiotics.
Frugal Summer Ideas
Summertime is in full swing for many of us now. Schedules are opening up a bit and the kids are home, the weather is warm, and the sun is shining! Here are some frugal summer fun ideas.
The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 12:1, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.”
Coffee Cream Puffs
Want to make a fancy dessert, a yummy dessert and a yet an easy dessert? How about cream puffs? Growing up, I was always thrilled when my Mom made cream puffs, and she made them fairly often. They look so pretty and some people shy away from them because they think they are difficult to make, but in reality they are quite easy. They take only four basic ingredients, well five with the water!
There is a common misconception that all symptoms are bad and must be eliminated. These thoughts stem from a philosophy by which the entire medical profession practices. The term “allopath”, on which allopathic medicine is based, is the practice of opposites. If you have a fever, then lower it. If it is swollen, reduce the swelling. Homeopathy is based on the practice of same. If you have tears, produce more. Neither philosophy, in my opinion, will be 100% correct, 100% of the time. At some point as a child of God, you may have to evaluate your health decisions, and understand that the professional opinion is based upon a philosophy that the doctor knows better than the body. Did not the Creator of the universe design our bodies? Remembering that our bodies are designed, let us consider a common process – the fever.
I know what you may be thinking… Creativity has nothing to do with frugality. I’m just not one of those “creative people”!
But before you dismiss this article as not for you, let’s think about what creativity is.
There is so much to be learned about the all-important subject of Character. There are so many character traits. How can we learn about them all and then do them? This book will help you become acquainted with Godly Christian Character and give you lots of ideas on how a Christian should behave.
Sunday Crockpot Potatoes
Recently I have had requests for quick Sunday meal ideas. Sunday Crock Pot Potatoes is a side dish that Gina Hall and her daughters, Nina and Selena have cooked up (excuse the pun). This is a super easy way to prepare delicious potatoes and have them ready to serve when you return from church.
Eggs contain the highest amount of cholesterol per unit weight of all common foods. It is this fact that has created a wide spread fear of eating eggs. It was feared that eating a diet high in cholesterol would increase heart disease. The research and reasoning were faulty. In the 1940-50’s the average person ate more than an egg per day. Today, that number has dropped, as more people have switched from eggs for breakfast to cereal. Millions of Americans gave up eating one of the most nutritious, cheapest and available food sources, because of this false fact.