Current G&H Authors
18 posts
The goodness of God led Amanda to repentance when she was a 12-year-old girl, and despite a heart prone to wander, He daily draws her to Himself. She continues to attend Lehigh Valley Baptist Church where she was raised, and enjoys sharing digital art and snippets of what God is teaching her on her Instagram account (@amandaangrrr). When Amanda isn’t working her day-job of managing an insurance agency, she is likely to be found trying a new local restaurant, sipping a coffee delicacy, learning something from a podcast or audio book, or finding an excuse to show off pictures of her nieces & nephews.
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25 posts
Michelle is the wife of Missionary Garry Castner and is a devoted mother of four. After serving the Lord in Chile for over 18 years, they re-located to the country of Botswana in 2013. Read more about their ministry here.
Read her articles here and watch her video testimony here.
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13 posts
Suzanne has been married to Dean, her high school sweetheart, for 24 years. She is a former Elementary Teacher and homeschooling mom with two now adult children. Jeremiah is 22 and Ruth is 19. Suzanne was saved in 1998 and has been a faithful member of Lehigh Valley Baptist Church since that time. She enjoys reading, snuggling with her new puppies, encouraging others and using her “Happy Planner.” Suzanne is a first-generation Christian and knows all about the struggles of striving to be a Godly wife, mother and servant of Christ. She hopes to encourage you with the wisdom that she has learned through the years and is still learning.
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65 posts
Jackie is the wife of a pastor who spends most of her days building her home and investing in her four children. She often wonders, "If it weren't for the grace of God, where would I be?" Read Jackie's articles here and read her salvation testimony here.
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22 posts
Serving the Lord in the country of Thailand, Alyssa is the wife of missionary Benjamin Hall and mom to five young kids. Each day seems to bring new adventures as she studies the Thai language, homeschools, and ministers to the many little hands that reach for hers. Of course, music is almost always part of the day, whether by listening, singing, or playing and it now echoes through the voices of little ones. Read Alyssa’s salvation testimony here.
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18 posts
Gina is happily married to Jim Hall who is the Director of Payroll at St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network in Bethlehem, PA. They have been members of the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church for over 30 years. They have 7 children & 11 grandchildren. The 3 oldest children are married. Two boys and two girls are at home. Our 2 girls came from the wonderful country of China. We love all our children immensely and enjoy a very happy, fulfilled home. Training her children in the ways of the Lord brings great delight!
Gina loves to read motivational and inspirational books. She finds them a tremendous source of spiritual and personal growth in her life.
Born in a Catholic home, Gina came to know the Lord at 25 years of age, through the witness of a member from the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church. You can read her testimony here on our church website.
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12 posts
Megan was born and raised in mid-Missouri in a Christian home. At the age of 16, she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior and has been growing in Him ever since! Megan moved out to Pennsylvania in 2017 after she met and married the man of her dreams, Samuel Hammett. She is currently serving alongside him at LVBC. God is growing and stretching her as she learns God’s purpose for her in this stage of life. Read my story here.
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40 posts
Kristin and her husband George are missionaries in South Africa. You can read more about their ministry here. Kristin has three children – Joel, Anna, and Luke. You can read Kristin’s testimony of salvation here.
Click to read Kristin's articles.
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85 posts
Beverly is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and Doug Hammett have been married for over 35 years. Since her father was a pastor and her husband was already a pastor when she married him, she is well acquainted with the blessings as well as the problems of the ministry! Bev’s favorite things to do are read and spend time with her family.
In Autumn of 2010, Doug stepped aside from his position as senior pastor at LVBC to reach and train men in Botswana and South Africa. Beverly continues to write for our ladies publication, giving her unique perspective of life in the ministry, and now life on the mission field. You can read more about their ministry here.
Read Beverly's articles here and her salvation testimony here.
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8 posts
Rachel was born and raised in a Christian home. She was saved at a young age for which she is thankful. She has lived in Pennsylvania her whole life. She worked in a bakery for 16 years before moving on in another direction. She has enjoyed cooking and baking over the years especially those foods rich in history. She is passionate about history and the stories of those who had so little yet were able to provide meals for their families. She appreciates the ingenuity behind the recipes written by those ladies who have pioneered the trail of food preparation before us. Food is an essential part of life and there is nothing sweeter to her than sitting together and sharing a meal together with family and friends.
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25 posts
Kristen has been blessed to have been raised hearing many truths from the Bible and how to study the Bible. In her senior year of high school, the Lord mercifully saved her and changed her life. Read Kristen's articles here and her salvation testimony here.
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14 posts
Eliza was raised in a family of nine in the farmlands of Pennsylvania and later on the backwoods of Tennessee. Never a very good spectator, she prefers to be in the middle of things, whether that be at home or abroad. She enjoys telling a good yarn and loves using her capers to convey the goodness of God.
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74 posts
As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth's salvation testimony here and her articles here.
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14 posts
Crystal grew up in the world but God used her back injury to draw her to Himself through the miracle of salvation. She was born again in 2016 and since then has possessed the yearning desire to learn more about His miraculous truths in His perfect Word. Oftentimes, she journals from her hammock near a stream and hopes to serve the Lord in a sailboat one day! In order to choose the title of her column, Crystal combined her heart’s desire with Proverbs 31:14, "She [the virtuous woman] is like the merchant’s ships; she bringeth her food from afar."
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33 posts
Laura started attending Lehigh Valley Baptist Church as a child when her family moved to the area. For years, her primary passion was in nursing and furthering her education. In the midst of pursuing a medical degree, God changed her plans and she married Jonathan Snow (read their story here). Now, she has discovered a special fulfillment from being a wife and a mother! Truly, God's ways are always for our good and for His glory.
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30 posts
Debbie and her husband, Jerry, are missionaries to Australia. They have 11 children, 2 of whom still live at home, and 18 grandchildren.
You can read more about their ministry here and read Debbie’s testimony here.
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38 posts
Living in Thailand is a daily adventure for Anne Williams and her family of six. In between all of the many language blunders, running after toddlers, and giving the neighbors plenty to smile at, she is grateful God's grace is always available just when she needs it.
Read more about their ministry here and watch her testimony here.
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64 posts
Joyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and an avid reader, she has many opportunities to practice that which she learns. Educating her children at home and discovering their special needs has further challenged her to examine the connection between the physical, mental and spiritual realms of the human nature. Her passion for healthier living and her quest for the Creator’s ways of healing keep her pressing forward in search of truth.
Read Michelle's salvation testimony here and her articles here.
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