If I had to stand before a crowd,
And hear their gasping voice outloud;
Responding to the sight they see,
The sight of what they see of me…
The state of growth as Christ would judge,
Just like a child should grow because –
We’re born again as newborn babes,
We’ve eaten milk, then grown with age.
But maybe stopped too early on,
Matured to just a toddling one.
Or even grown to an adult,
But only hear God’s word and soak.
Soak it in me, week by week –
Listening to the Pastor speak.
Say ‘amen’ at this or that.
I’m growing full, but spiritually fat.
Because the truth I’m given to eat,
Not exercised, and given feet –
Will only stay inside my head,
The actions stale – my faith is dead.
My faith must grow – wax strong with use!
These years I have, I must not lose!
To begin as a child in Christ is fine –
But living the truth should change us in time.
Change us by day, by thought, by choice;
Change every heart, our deeds, our voice.
Choosing our plans to conform to His,
Even when it’s hard – and growing pain is.
For keeping in mind, one day I WILL stand
Before Him who died with nails in his hands.
He’ll judge, with all heaven, how I’ve grown in grace.
This moment, I’ve dreamt of…and covered my face.
Help me, O Lord, in your spirit to grow.
To faithfully with the gospel go.
To put into action the truths that You give
To be more like Christ every day that I live.
Nina came to know the Lord as a teenager, and is grateful for the Lord’s grace and mercy in her life as she has sought to grow in her relationship with Christ through the years.
She and her husband currently attend Lehigh Valley Baptist Church and enjoy being a part of the ministries there. Along with being a wife and homemaker, she is thrilled to be able to teach music lessons to a number of piano students in the area. Poetry and meditational or motivational writings based on scripture have also remained one of her passions through the years!