5 Things Every Girl Should Strive to Be

By Jackie Gable

1. Joyful
“…he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.” -Proverbs 15:15b

Life is full of ups and downs. It can be unpredictable at times and even feel like things are out of control. It is at those times we must exercise the joy of the Lord. So, what is the joy of the Lord? It is being thankful and content is the circumstances of life. The opposite of joyfulness is frustration. Frustration sets in when we become unthankful and self-centered. A lack of joy can easily turn into bitterness. We have much to be thankful for—don’t forget the daily blessings of God and become a sour, unhappy, selfish young lady. Joyfulness, especially in a women, is attractive as well as an inspiration to others.

2. Respectful
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake…” -I Peter 2:13

Did you know that the Lord expects you to show equal respect to everyone? Respect, or submission, is a part of everyday life. Sadly, it seems to be a fading characteristic in today’s society. Maybe you respect guys your own age but you disrespect your father—or vice versa. Perhaps there is another woman whom you respect greatly, yet show disrespect to your own mom. It is clear in the Word of God that we must submit, or respect, each other, regardless of who they are. I Peter 5:5b says “…Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility…” A godly young lady will always show respect instead of a critical, sour attitude, even if the respect is undeserved. Yes, this includes the totally immature boys in your youth group. This characteristic produces a sweet, graceful, respectable woman.

3. Friendly
“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly…” -Proverbs 18:24

Having friends and making friends is an important thing in life. Friends not only cheer us up but they can also help us become a better person. Friends should no doubt be chosen carefully. However, it is never wrong to be friendly to someone who may not seem like a suitable friend. Making friends and keeping friends involves work. It involves stepping outside of your comfort zone. Smile…just keep smiling! A friendly face is never forgotten; a good friendship can never be replaced.

4. Resourceful
“Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.” -Anne Frank

Being resourceful is two-fold: it’s making good use out of what you have, and using your time with the energy you have (and as a teenager you’ve got lots of energy!). Whether your parents provide for all your needs/wants, or whether you have to earn every penny you spend, now is a good time to learn how to be resourceful. Don’t get into the habit of buying things on impulse – shop around and consider first if you really need it. Be creative and repurpose the old things you have. There are literally thousands of websites out there with easy and fun ideas. Certain skills, like sewing, can be invaluable and even self-taught. Learn to be resourceful (and never wasteful) now and you’ll make a wonderful homemaker when that time comes.

5. Feminine
“…that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array…” -I Timothy 2:9

There are several aspects to being feminine – it’s modesty, gracefulness, and beauty all wrapped up into one. Someone who is feminine won’t have everyone in the room starring at her. Rather it will cause some to notice her character and create a desire to be like her.

Just taking a few simple steps to improving your overall appearance is all it takes. Here are a few tips to looking more feminine:

-Learn new ways to do your hair. Keep up with haircuts and choose a cut that won’t make people think you’re a boy or bring negative attention to yourself (i.e. super trendy). You hair style can either make you look ugly and lazy or pretty and feminine.

-Beware of buying clothes from the “Junior” department. Most of them are made to look tight, short, and trendy and tend to be made with thin fabric. Not only does this create a modesty problem (even if you buy them extra big) but most of the time they are never complimentary!

-Wear clothes that fit you properly—not too small or too big. The best way to look feminine is to choose clothes that complement your body type. For example, if you tend to be more top-heavy, wear blouses with patterns. If you’re on the shorter side, wear knee-length skirts verses skirts down to the ankles. Try to always look balanced – not accentuating a particular area of the body.

-Think about your posture. Consciously work on keeping your shoulders back and your chin level to the floor. Hunching will once again demonstrate laziness and insecurity. Clothes look so much better on when you stand up straight!

-Choose natural colors for makeup. Use good lighting, too, whenever putting on your makeup – poor lighting will cause you to put too much on. Don’t ever look “made-up” but try to bring out your natural beauty. Bring attention to your eyes and never your lips.


We all have ideas of what “perfection” looks like and there’s nothing wrong with desiring to become a better person. I encourage you to set your goal on pleasing your Heavenly Father first. Ask Him to teach you how to be a joyful, respectful, friendly, resourceful, and feminine young lady so that you can bring glory to Him.

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30


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Comments 1

  1. This is an excellant article for all ladies. I am 62 years old and am refreshed having read it. I teach a class of teen girls and am eager to find articles that will help and encourage them in femininity.
    Thank you for your help. God bless this ministry.
    Sherry Griffin

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