Fact- meat processing has become a dirty, fecal and disease laden mass production conglomerate.
Fact- historically, people have eaten every component of dead animals.
Fact- cancer is now one in two people. Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are rampant. Blood pressure (In a nation with a salt free campaign) is medicated aggressively and often. Obesity is now the norm.
Conclusion- as a population, we are doing something wrong.
Therefore- let’s learn from our forefathers of how to eat. There are several aspects to consider, but consider adding some complete dead animals to your diet.
Admission- I have grown up a vegetarian. Since becoming a Christian, I have eaten meat at times, submitting my will to His. Meat has not been a joyous addition. As nasty as I find it, I can find no other conclusion, than I need some dead animals to complete my nutritional needs. (and believe me- I have tried!!)
Now chomping on a tendon or spleen is not something I handle well, and to get the quantity of nutrients I need, I would have to down a lot of them; so I take mine in a pill.
There are several dead animal parts that are important, but here are my top three. My basis is personal experience, peer reviewed articles and clinical experience.

Now bovine (cow) collagen is the preferred option- and especially consider if you used any of these thyroid-suppressive protein powders: Whey Protein, Soy Protein, Pea Protein, Hemp Protein, Rice Protein, and Vegan Protein Blends. There are many problems with these protein sources as they contain high amounts of thyroid-suppressive amino acids; are estrogenic; are made from protein sources that are a waste of money because your body can't even use it. Collagen is a great option for a protein.
Let me share my personal experience. Around 40 years of age, I came to the panicked conclusion that I have done NOTHING for skin care, save an occasional bar o’ soap. So I decided, oh well, pretty on the inside is better than pretty on the outside anyways and isn’t beauty vain? So I started taking collagen to support my skin; after 6 months, I looked in the mirror and said, this is stupid, I look the same. Then, I hurt my knee. It was taking forever to heal. The last time it happened, I was on collagen and it healed much faster. So, back on I went and it shortened my heal time.
Liver & other offal things
All that being said, none of this is at all say that fresh produce isn’t of importance. Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients like flavonoids and polyphenols that aren’t found in high concentrations in meats and organ meats, so it’s just as vital to include an abundance and array of fresh produce as a significant part of your diet, but the offal truth is that you can gain a lot of nutrients with offal meats.
Omega 3
I would love to be vegan, but like Charlie Brown says, “The more I learn, the more I learn how much there is to learn.” Dead animals can play an important component in health.

Joyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and an avid reader, she has many opportunities to practice that which she learns. Educating her children at home and discovering their special needs has further challenged her to examine the connection between the physical, mental and spiritual realms of the human nature. Her passion for healthier living and her quest for the Creator’s ways of healing keep her pressing forward in search of truth.
Read Michelle’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.
Comments 2
Thank you for this information! I know there are lots of supplement companies to choose from…some beneficial, some useless. Do you have a specific brand you’d recommend for collagen and omega 3?
Of course I do. 🙂 what is best for me- may not work for you. Age, health issues, gender are all players. Feel free to message me privately and I will give you my best. I agree wholeheartedly that there is a lot of snake oil for sale.