Women of the Word by Amy Edwards was recommended by a friend who had been blessed by her writing. Upon hearing my friend’s positive review on the third volume, I set out to purchase the first volume, to start at the beginning. There are three volumes to the series Women of the Word, which examines women from the Bible listed in (mostly) alphabetical order. Volume 1, which I purchased and will initially recommend here, though I have only partially completed the study, begins with Abigail and ends with Eve.
What is the method of study? Each day’s reading begins with an assigned portion of Scripture, and not just a verse or two! I really appreciate this because devotional books are never meant to take someone out of the Word of God, but rather to enhance one’s study of the Word. Mrs. Edwards uses a technique she calls “repeated reading,” which allocates the same portion of Scripture for several days in a row. She has found this approach helpful as some truths or thoughts jump out at her in a different way after several days of review. The book covers each woman of the Bible for several days, allowing for a very thorough examination, and the author does a superb job of taking the application right where we live. After a page or two of discussion, she offers some thoughts and questions for the reader to ponder for themselves.

Why do I recommend this book/series? I’ve found it a great supplement to my normal study of the Word of God. On days when I might need a short or easier read, I can focus on the assigned Scripture passage and then read the thoughts presented rather than formulating my own from scratch, a helpful option when time is limited or my toddler is lurking about. 🙂 Or, on days I’m looking to spend extra time in the Word, it presents a great addition. Also, because diverse women of the Bible are presented, there should be someone with whom any and every woman can resonate. Not all the challenges she presents have hit home with me, but certainly some have. And even from those ladies/situations with which I don’t directly identify, I feel I have gleaned some new perspectives.
I plan to finish the first volume and pursue the second and third in the future, for I have found this to be quite an excellent study in the Word of God and highly recommend!

Laura started attending Lehigh Valley Baptist Church as a child when her family moved to the area. For years, her primary passion was in nursing and furthering her education. In the midst of pursuing a medical degree, God changed her plans and she married Jonathan Snow (read their story here). Now, she has discovered a special fulfillment from being a wife and a mother! Truly, God’s ways are always for our good and for His glory.