My husband and I had a good laugh when I pulled out this book. “Finally!” he said, both of us chuckling, knowing my habitual battle with anxious thoughts. “Don’t worry, I’ve read it before,” I returned, prompting more shared laughter.
This book has been an extension of what God has been working on in my life in the last 1-2 years, equipping me with the tools to overcome worry. After putting the principles He gave me to good use, I’ve seen great victory over what I’d call the “breakthrough worries” but in re- reading this book, I’ve begun to recognize just how much baseline anxiety I allow to live in my daily life. Here are some of the highlights from Elizabeth George’s writings.

Worry can lead you to manipulate the situation. Over and over, Mrs. George calls the reader to trust in the Lord. She recommends instead of spending your energy on worrying, put it to good use in prayer! A favorite quote of mine (of unknown origin to me) is this “Worry is like a rocking chair; it keeps you busy but doesn’t get you anywhere.”
Worry is not to be a part of your daily life! Daily?! Try hourly, even to the minute sometimes. What an eye opener! If you think you are not a chronic worrier, then you should definitely take the time to read the book. She covers many areas including finances, singleness, child/parent relationships, what others think, and much more. You’ll be surprised how subtle worries take you from walking in the Spirit to living as a slave to your flesh. For, she points out, you cannot be worrying and walking in the Spirit at the same time!
(Side note: an excellent suggestion she gave was to turn your worries for your children into opportunities to instruct them in the ways of the Lord. If you’re concerned about their friend choices, their lack of spiritual maturity, or their future, take them to the Word of God and guide them—it’s your job anyway!)
There is a difference between worry and concern. Concern drives you to prayer, but worry immobilizes you. Prayer dilutes the consuming power of your emotions in the moment! Grow your trust in God by building a strong relationship with Christ (read the Bible and pray) and then exercise that trust by putting it to daily and hourly use.
We are literally to worry about nothing! I hope this article has wet your appetite to check out this book. It’s an easy and engaging read while turning one’s eyes to possible blind spots of worry which have become the norm in our lives.
(Author’s note: most of the thoughts in this article have been taken from the book, some even as direct quotes. All credit goes to Elizabeth George.)

Laura started attending Lehigh Valley Baptist Church as a child when her family moved to the area. For years, her primary passion was in nursing and furthering her education. In the midst of pursuing a medical degree, God changed her plans and she married Jonathan Snow (read their story here). Now, she has discovered a special fulfillment from being a wife and a mother! Truly, God’s ways are always for our good and for His glory.