Literally one of the last things we did in the States before returning to Thailand was attend a preacher’s conference. What a delightful time of fellowship, good preaching, and for a dose of reality, restless kids. 😉 Sixteen messages spread over 2.5 days gave much “food for thought” and I thought I would share some of the highlights and trust God this is a blessing to you as you read.
- We are called to be salt and light. Don’t be rude or unkind, but do be truthful.
- Inner man stuff: the inner man must be strengthened! The Word of God alone can do that.
- A tool must be ready to be used effectively.
- Just keep going on. Scoffers will always be there.
- Church is for the perfecting of the saints.

- Scoffers are controlled by their lusts, not the Holy Spirit. But remember, scoffers are still souls.
- Just go forward!
- Determine to know nothing, but Jesus Christ.
- Opinions of man are not perfect, but God’s Word is.
- Saved people should live a saved life.
- When I choose to sin, I forget the sacrifice of Jesus.
- He is present, so is He presiding?
- Remember God is the One who is in control of everything.
- If the inner man is right, the outer man will show it.
- What am I teaching by example?
- Sometimes, God leads us to places we would rather not go, but it is always necessary.
- God knows just how much to stretch His saint.
- At “Marah” places, I will either be bitter or better.
- Some things I just don’t need to pray about; I just need to obey.
- “For ever” needs to come down to “daily,” which is really “moment by moment.”
- It’s easy to get distracted. Stay on course. Don’t swerve. But if you do, get back on the path.
- A sick body is a vulnerable body.
- Examination of self will never end with a pat on the back, but instead with a “woe is me.”
- Courage! Be willing to stand alone.
- Commit to speak God’s Word in every situation.
- Be compelled by an audience of One.

Living in Thailand is a daily adventure for Anne Williams and her family of six. In between all of the many language blunders, running after toddlers, and giving the neighbors plenty to smile at, she is grateful God’s grace is always available just when she needs it.
Read more about their ministry here and watch her testimony here.