Hello from our home in Mae Sai, Thailand! Yes, we’re home after a very blessed journey! Go grab a cup of coffee and we’ll have ourselves a little chat. ☺️
Before we even left Emmaus, we had our fellowship tanks FILLED up! Thank you all for lavishly loving on our family in so many ways: meals, activities, gifts, and most important of all, your time! We have some very sweet memories from our 2020 furlough.
We praise God for going before us every step of the journey back to Thailand.
Before we even left Emmaus, we had our fellowship tanks FILLED up! Thank you all for lavishly loving on our family in so many ways: meals, activities, gifts, and most important of all, your time! We have some very sweet memories from our 2020 furlough.
We praise God for going before us every step of the journey back to Thailand.

In Philadelphia, we had just enough time to go through the very long line at Qatar Airways before immediately getting on the plane. The first flight was extremely full (200 people), but the second was only 40 or so people. Yay for space! Our children travelled so well and enjoyed all the excitement that comes with being on an airplane. Once we arrived in Doha, we found a playground not too far from our gate. What a great time to get some wiggles out! Just before we boarded the bus to head to the plane, a kind airport employee observed a beloved stuffed animal had fallen between the seats and was close to being left behind. Praise God for his keen eye!
We didn’t know what to expect when we arrived in Thailand, other than lots of extra Covid hoops to jump through. Overall, we spent less time than anticipated doing those checks. Praise God for my detailed husband who had all the right paperwork ready! One hour later and we were clear to go. Our next concern was getting four carts full of suitcases out the door. Paul and Ellie worked together to push one, and an airport worker had compassion on us by taking the remaining cart. Since there were so few travelers and no cars at the airport, we didn’t need to work our way through the crowd. A hotel representative was waiting for us and escorted us to the shuttle van. Amazingly enough, the driver was able to fit us and all of our stuff into one van. Glory!
The next step was getting checked into our quarantine hotel, which was to be “home” for the next 10 days. Once again, Nat had all his ducks in a row and the check-in process was smooth. The nurse checked us over and gave us instructions as to checking in twice a day with our temperatures. The kids soon grew familiar with “temperature check time!”
The next step was getting checked into our quarantine hotel, which was to be “home” for the next 10 days. Once again, Nat had all his ducks in a row and the check-in process was smooth. The nurse checked us over and gave us instructions as to checking in twice a day with our temperatures. The kids soon grew familiar with “temperature check time!”
We settled into our room and enjoyed some food and coffee! Most of the food options were Thai, although there were a few western options as well. Our food was always promptly delivered, and not once was the food cold! Dragonfruit came with almost every meal, with watermelon and cantaloupe being rotated in too. My children aren’t huge fans of dragonfruit, so one day we prayed and asked God to switch out the dragonfruit. The next meal came and it was pineapple and watermelon instead of dragonfruit! How exciting for my children to see God answer prayer and to know He cares about everything.

The blessings during quarantine were abundant. We had ample space to run around a bit, and thanks to sweet friends thinking ahead, every day we had something new to get out for an activity. One day it was balloons, another day was glow sticks, the next day we opened up a “quarantine rescue package” which included fun markers and a coloring book, chocolate and a new book! We also had friends stop by the hotel with snacks and more goodies: paper to make paper chains, new colored pencils and a sketch book, and so much more! On top of all that, we faithfully received texts, Marco polos, video calls and emails from so many just checking in.
Here’s another blessing. One night Nat was finishing up the dishes at the kitchen sink when he noticed water spraying everywhere. Thankfully he was able to shut it off and alert the hotel. We were so thankful they sent a technician to take care of the problem. Since everything was “contactless” we honestly wondered if anyone would even be allowed to come in our room!
Many were praying fervently for the two Covid tests we needed to take while in quarantine. Our kids were brave troopers! After getting tested the first time, my daughter came over to me and said, “ouch. That actually hurt.” She was right; it was extremely thorough. I got a text the next morning saying the laboratory had to rerun the results. We immediately began praying and sent the requested paperwork in, just in case. How thankful we were within an hour when we got the results back - negative! All glory to God.
After Day 8 and a negative result, we were able to go to the rooftop. We enjoyed almost an hour of fresh air and checking out the view before the rain came. God’s timing! Because of new restrictions, we couldn’t go back to the roof until the last day. But God in His grace allowed us to endure well, and we know so many precious saints were praying that way!

Walking around Bangkok was a bit of an adjustment since there’s currently a mask mandate in place everywhere except your own home. Getting reacclimatized to the heat while wearing a mask constantly was a new challenge. That made us extra-thankful for air conditioned buildings!
I’m sure by this point you too can clearly see God’s Hand of blessing. There’s so much more, but I’ll stop there for now. Truly “it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD” (Psalm 92:1)!!
I’m sure by this point you too can clearly see God’s Hand of blessing. There’s so much more, but I’ll stop there for now. Truly “it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD” (Psalm 92:1)!!

Living in Thailand is a daily adventure for Anne Williams and her family of six. In between all of the many language blunders, running after toddlers, and giving the neighbors plenty to smile at, she is grateful God’s grace is always available just when she needs it.
Read more about their ministry here and watch her testimony here.
Comments 1
Thanks for writing Anne! We are thankful you are home and settled but enjoyed having you at “your other home” in the states too. May God use your sweet family for His glory this year and beyond!