Our gracious and loving God specializes in calling order out of chaos. We are introduced to Him in the midst of a chaotic void, and we witness Him use the word to make it right: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” God continues this pattern throughout Scripture and throughout our life. He straightens the crooked, calms the sea, heals the sick, quiets the fear, and casts out the demons.
Our sin racked being desperately cries for order and sense in all areas of our life: emotional, physical and spiritual, both prior to salvation and indeed after. The awakening of our spiritual eyes reveals a new battle. The whole armour of God is given to us with the instructions to put it on and go forth and conquer with this as our motto, in God is our Trust.
Happy New Year to you, mighty warrior! How doth your battle go? Have you taken some time in the quiet of these days to shine your weaponry and create a battle plan for the lands and wealth set before you?
What would it look like if your life was “in order?” Paint a picture with a list of what your life would look like if it were truly in order. What does “in order” mean to you? To help, perhaps think of the areas that seem out of order, annoying, chaotic, slipshod, or unfinished.
Our sin racked being desperately cries for order and sense in all areas of our life: emotional, physical and spiritual, both prior to salvation and indeed after. The awakening of our spiritual eyes reveals a new battle. The whole armour of God is given to us with the instructions to put it on and go forth and conquer with this as our motto, in God is our Trust.
Happy New Year to you, mighty warrior! How doth your battle go? Have you taken some time in the quiet of these days to shine your weaponry and create a battle plan for the lands and wealth set before you?
What would it look like if your life was “in order?” Paint a picture with a list of what your life would look like if it were truly in order. What does “in order” mean to you? To help, perhaps think of the areas that seem out of order, annoying, chaotic, slipshod, or unfinished.

The list you make will create an overall picture of the environment by which you would like to be surrounded. In this way you can target specific areas of life that need straightening.
Now that you see the end goal, figure out the steps you must take in order to make that picture a reality.
Here is an example:
Now that you see the end goal, figure out the steps you must take in order to make that picture a reality.
Here is an example:
“If my life were in order, all rooms in my house
would be cleared of clutter and ugliness.”
In other words, I wish to have order and beauty surround me in all areas of my home. This works because my home has a definite number of rooms and each room contains a certain amount of items. I will know when I have obtained this goal because of the two qualifications: no clutter and nothing I find to be “ugly.” Sounds great, but where to begin?
Begin in one small part of one room: like a drawer. That’s all, just the drawer. Clear it, clean it, sort it, then put back only what I want to see in that drawer.
Well done. Rest. Now do the next small thing that will take you one step closer to your goal of a home filled with order and beauty; and so forth through your list.
Little by little is the key. Habit is the metal of which that key is made. Persistence is what turns that key. Keeping the end goal in mind is what brings you to the lock in the first place.
For true motivation in reaching this particular goal, I would remind myself that God loves me dearly and wants to spend time with me every moment of every day. The problem is that there is some clutter in my heart (idols), in my mind (distractions, doubts, lies), and maybe even in my home that must needs be cleared out (possessions take time).
God has made His heart known to me, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” (Jer.31:3) His desire is clear. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Rev. 3:20)
The Holy Spirit calls to me, Make the way straight for the coming of the Lord! “As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mark 1:2-3) This verse shows me that the LORD has been gracious enough to make Himself known unto me by the Word of God, that is His part. My part is to prepare a way for Him and keep that path straight, meaning “direct, from one point to another, narrow and tight, and upright, not deviating from truth or fairness.”
So if we can imagine what the outward environment of our life would look like if it were in order, we can do the same for the inward part of our life. How would it look if your soul were in order? (The soul being our thoughts, emotions and our will.)
Every action and word would be guided by love. There would be calm deep within that would affect my tone of voice, my manner of movements, and my reactions to life’s surprises. I would be keenly aware of God’s presence and would seek to speak truth and life to those around me. In short, I would be God’s hands and voice within my sphere of influence.
Jesus Christ is the express image of God. We are created in the image of God, and our process of sanctification which began at salvation is to make us more and more like Christ.
By seeing the end goal, I can begin to take the steps necessary to move closer to making that picture a reality. For me, this is a moment by moment journey. One way to help in this area is to seek to make God your very closest friend. Speak to Him often, carry your joys and pain to Him, bring Him with you wherever you go, and keep secrets between the two of you of longings and prayers that only He knows about and only He can answer. What a privilege it is to call Him Friend!
How will you make your life look different this year than last year?
Begin in one small part of one room: like a drawer. That’s all, just the drawer. Clear it, clean it, sort it, then put back only what I want to see in that drawer.
Well done. Rest. Now do the next small thing that will take you one step closer to your goal of a home filled with order and beauty; and so forth through your list.
Little by little is the key. Habit is the metal of which that key is made. Persistence is what turns that key. Keeping the end goal in mind is what brings you to the lock in the first place.
For true motivation in reaching this particular goal, I would remind myself that God loves me dearly and wants to spend time with me every moment of every day. The problem is that there is some clutter in my heart (idols), in my mind (distractions, doubts, lies), and maybe even in my home that must needs be cleared out (possessions take time).
God has made His heart known to me, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” (Jer.31:3) His desire is clear. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Rev. 3:20)
The Holy Spirit calls to me, Make the way straight for the coming of the Lord! “As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mark 1:2-3) This verse shows me that the LORD has been gracious enough to make Himself known unto me by the Word of God, that is His part. My part is to prepare a way for Him and keep that path straight, meaning “direct, from one point to another, narrow and tight, and upright, not deviating from truth or fairness.”
So if we can imagine what the outward environment of our life would look like if it were in order, we can do the same for the inward part of our life. How would it look if your soul were in order? (The soul being our thoughts, emotions and our will.)
Every action and word would be guided by love. There would be calm deep within that would affect my tone of voice, my manner of movements, and my reactions to life’s surprises. I would be keenly aware of God’s presence and would seek to speak truth and life to those around me. In short, I would be God’s hands and voice within my sphere of influence.
Jesus Christ is the express image of God. We are created in the image of God, and our process of sanctification which began at salvation is to make us more and more like Christ.
By seeing the end goal, I can begin to take the steps necessary to move closer to making that picture a reality. For me, this is a moment by moment journey. One way to help in this area is to seek to make God your very closest friend. Speak to Him often, carry your joys and pain to Him, bring Him with you wherever you go, and keep secrets between the two of you of longings and prayers that only He knows about and only He can answer. What a privilege it is to call Him Friend!
How will you make your life look different this year than last year?
Do not despise the small things. Start. Just start.

As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.
Comments 4
This is beautiful and so helpful! Thank you Liz and everyone.
Excellent thoughts!
Thank you for the encouragment!
Thank you Liz. Your words always speak truth!