Dear Ladies,
Greetings from South Africa! And Happy New Year!! 2018 was a busy year for us. We returned to South Africa in January after being in the states for a year. In February we moved into a house and got all settled in. It was a year of a lot of travel. We made a trip to Mozambique, 3 trips to Malawi, a short trip back to America, and countless other shorter trips in between. In November, we found out our landlord wanted to move into our house, so we had to find a new house and we moved again in December.
As we enter this New Year, it doesn’t look like they will be slowing down any in 2019. Sometimes I look at all this and say, “Lord, I am getting too old for this!!!” However, I was recently reading a book and came across an interesting quote which has really made me stop and think. I am not going to quote it verbatim but basically this is what it said. The difference between whether we look at things in faith or in fear is where our focus is. Are we looking at our problems, or are we looking at God? Do we put our “buts” before or after God?
For example, if I say, “I think this is what God wants, but…”, then my focus will be on my situation and my problems, not on God. I will be thinking of all the excuses and why I can’t do what God says. I will be filled with fear and ‘what if’s.
But if I say, “I see the difficulties, but God…” I will be focused on God, not on my problems, and I can go forward in faith. I will realize that I can’t handle it, but God can. I will not be relying on my power, but on His, and He will enable me to do what He wants me to do.
Wow, that is a convicting thought! As I have mulled it over in my head and meditated on it, I have been reminded again of all the promises in the Word of God that if I will obey Him, He will be my strength and He will give me grace. I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given us here to serve Him. And I pray that in this New Year, I will keep my focus on Him—not on my problems or difficulties—and walk forward in faith.
On our recent trip to Malawi, I was reminded again of the openness and the hunger of the people, and their desire to study God’s Word. Vincent had taken the literature we sent around to several of the villages. As we met on Sunday with people from some of those villages, they spoke of how thrilled they were to have received the literature.

After the service, the ladies wanted to meet with me. As I sat in that room with about 20 ladies, my heart was broken as, through an interpreter, they told of their desire to learn from God’s Word. They said, “You must come back and teach us.” When I told them my name, they said, “Oh, that is too hard to pronounce. We have never heard that name before. We will call you Grace.” Please pray with me for wisdom to be able to teach these ladies.
Many of these people do not read or write, many do not speak English, and only a couple had a copy of the Bible. The Lord has truly given us an open door there, but there are many adversaries. Pray for wisdom as we go forward with the work in Malawi and Mozambique.
We are mostly settled in our new house. It is a little smaller than the other one we were living in and doesn’t have as much storage space. But we thank the Lord for what He has provided for us. We do have a guest bedroom, so you are welcome to come see us!
I pray that this New Year will be a blessed one for you all and will be full of the evident grace of God in your life. Remember to put your “buts” before God, not after. Keep your focus on Him and not on your problems and walk forward in faith!!
Love and miss you all,

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Comments 1
This is timely for me. Thank you. 🙂