Many verses, works of prose, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction have been written on the subject of the home. The word itself stirs feelings of nostalgia, comfort, and longing in many hearts, my own included. It is almost overwhelming to even attempt to adequately recap what God hath wrought over the past 2 years; therefore I will give consideration to the first part of this journey to Australia, leaving it to be continued in the next article.

It has been far too long since I’ve last written anything. Even now, as we continue to make Dalby our home, I’m finding it difficult to express what’s in my heart. My fingers, now unaccustomed to being on a real keyboard, are slow to type out words these days.
My friends would understand the “why’s” of not writing; or shall I say “why not’s”? Since our transition furlough from our African ministry, we have stayed in many homes, in 2 different states, on 3 different continents.
Simplification and Elimination...
This is where the rubber met the road in continuing the purging and packing of most of our earthly possessions, whether in Africa before our furlough, or afterward on our return trip, or when back in the States.
Anticipation and Estimation…
Thinking we would be in California only a few weeks nearly a year ago, we settled down with our sights facing Australian to the west. But after 10 weeks of no news our pastor thought it best to wait the time out at our home church.
Temptations toward Exasperation, Frustration, Hesitation, and Predomination of Preoccupation with Premeditation… (Whew!)
Although that waiting time was not wasted time, so many decisions, questions, choices loomed ahead.
Deliberation, Determination…
Each passing day brought the uncertainty, doubts, wonderment of whether we would actually be issued a visa. It was a walk in the dark.
“In waiting we waited…” In other words, wherever we were, the Lord gave us opportunity to serve “for such a time as this,” whether in California or Pennsylvania or as previously, in South Africa.
Confirmation of Affirmation…
Once again, heading east but facing west, from CA to PA, the time stretched to 5 months before we at long last had our visas for permanent residency.
Realization of Separation…
With the small pod packed and shipped, our bags packed, tickets purchased, reality hit home as we said “see you later” to family and friends. Even then, the Lord granted an extra few days with the CA kids and “baby grands” by way of Hurricane Lane in Hawaii.

And now we are here! In 3 weeks’ time we have gone from: … knowing no one to having a list of names of those we’ve met, whether neighbors, business people, or people out and about or at their homes … the shell of a house to a furnished, livable, comfortable home … no place to call home to a postal and house address ...
I am reminded of many truths as I ponder what the Lord has done. The adjustments were many; but God has also been merciful. With the length of time it has taken to move from Africa to America to Australia and finally to Queensland and a house in Dalby, we’ve also had time to slowly and quietly adjust. I admit, sometimes it seemed too slowly, but God is always good and always right. The fact that in all this God is purposeful and life is meaningful is a blessing. I am thankful for His gentle, steady, and personal guidance and especially His constant, faithful presence. He has blessed us more than we deserve.