In life, there are frequent times that we must learn to wait. We may often find ourselves waiting for something that we expect to happen, but then find the fulfillment to be longer than we assumed it would be. These can be disappointing and trying times, but they can also be opportunities to choose to rely completely on the Lord. It is at that time, and over and over again, that I can choose to place my life into the hands of the One whom I trust with all my heart. The Lord gave me the following scripture verses to claim at one such time, which prompted the simple poem below. Perhaps it can be an encouragement to you as you wait on the Lord in your life as well.
“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.” Psalm 62:5

“I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.”Psalm 130:5
My Soul Waiteth upon God
Nina R. Gaus
My soul waiteth upon God
On He who knows my past.
Knows my way and guides my steps
It is He in whom I rest.
My soul has found Him to be fair
Through all these passing years-
And once again I need to wait;
Exchange his peace for tears.
My soul has surely found Him true
In every test before;
And yet again I must reclaim
That grace to trust once more.
My soul has lingered long at times
And will not comprehend,
Why life cannot go on beyond
This path of twists and bends.
My soul will wait again, I know
In every coming trial;
Yet I must choose to be secure
In Him for each new hour.
My soul is feeble, weak and still
In Christ all powers dwell.
And so I trust, and work and wait;
He knows - and all is well.

Nina came to know the Lord as a teenager, and is grateful for the Lord’s grace and mercy in her life as she has sought to grow in her relationship with Christ through the years.
She and her husband currently attend Lehigh Valley Baptist Church and enjoy being a part of the ministries there. Along with being a wife and homemaker, she is thrilled to be able to teach music lessons to a number of piano students in the area. Poetry and meditational or motivational writings based on scripture have also remained one of her passions through the years!
Comments 1
A great encouragement, Nina, thank you! One I hope will encourage someone very dear to me – passing this along!