"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

Nothing gave Nathalie more joy than spending time with her growing family and praying for her loved ones. She was always concerned for the well-being of others and lived the life of a true servant. Nathalie leaves behind a legacy of devoted faithfulness to her Savior, to her family, and to her many church friends.
Nathalie May (Woodbury) Stewart February 26, 1930 - April 9, 2018
During her 23 years at Lehigh Valley Baptist Church, Nathalie frequently wrote for the church's ladies' paper, formerly known as The Apron and The Sword. She impacted countless women with her servant's heart and fervent prayer life.
Below is an audio of Nathalie's devotion given at our church's ladies' retreat in 1982, "Being a Godly Mother," as well as an article she wrote over 15 years ago. Both not only reveal her own heart of love for her children and grandchildren, but is also a source of wisdom and strength for us today.
I am sure you all, as I do, pray for your children and grandchildren. But what do you pray for specifically?
As the years have gone by, there hasn't always been enough time for specific prayer needs brought forward. Now that I have "retired," I make sure that there is enough time for specific prayer before I begin my day. This article will just cover my prayer life for our children and grandchildren. I hope it helps you to be more specific, too.
You probably all pray that they will be saved, but add "early in life" to your prayer. Psalm 63:1 "Early will I seek thee..." and 2 Timothy 3:15 "...that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which were able to make thee wise unto salvation."
- Along with that, pray that they will develop a hatred for sin. Psalm 97:10 "Ye that love the Lord, hate evil." Pray that when they are guilty they will be caught. Psalm 119:71 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted: that I might learn thy statutes." This encourages us to be more vigilant and aware of what is going on.
- Pray that they will be protected from evil in each area of their lives: spiritual, mental, social, and physical. John 17:15 "I pray not that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."
- Pray that as they get older, they will have a responsible attitude in all interpersonal relationships. Daniel 6:3 "Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him..."
- Pray that they will respect all the authorities in their lives: parents, teachers, pastors, police, etc. Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers."
- Pray that they will desire right friends and be protected from wrong friends. Proverbs 1:10 "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not."
- Pray that they will be kept from the wrong mate and will be saved for the right mate. 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers."
- Pray that both they and those they will marry will be kept pure until marriage. 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Know ye not tht your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you."
- Pray that they will be singlehearted - willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ. Romans 12:1, 2 "...present your bodies a living sacrifice..."
- Finally, pray that they will be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places - and that wrong people will not find them. Job 1:10 "Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?"
I hope that all these thoughts and ideas will be a help to you as you pray "specifically" fr your children and grandchildren. What a blessing it will be when we can see the Lord answering "specifically" in each of our loved ones lives as the years roll by or He returns to take us home!

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.