Greetings from warm and sunny southern Illinois! We are finally left the first few weeks of snow behind us and we are enjoying some warm weather!

We recently were able to participate in a conference in Saint Clair, MO. It was good to see our Pastor and family as well as George and Kristin and Ben and Alyssa. The preaching was great and it was good to sit still a couple of days and just listen to the Word of God.

Some of the highlights this far have been being able to spend time with Andrew and Natalie, my sister, my mom, my aunts, my great aunt ( who is 92!) and my second cousins. Several of them have some pressing needs and we have been able to encourage them.

We really appreciate your prayers. My husband has had liberty to preach some very specific topics and they have been well received. Please pray for us that we can be a blessing and encouragement to our supporting churches.

It’s been a month since we said pulled out of the church parking lot. We have been in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. Thus far the truck and trailer are working well and we have made friends with our little home! Many of our supporting churches have been very gracious to us letting us stay in their church parking lot, feeding us and fellowshipping with us. God is good and provides for all of our needs!

Physically we are doing well. We certainly are not as young as we used to be (smile) but God is giving us the strength to keep going.
Emotionally we are missing Hannah and Tim but we are pleased to see how the Lord is blessing them in their new home. Joshua is surviving being the youngest sibling. He’s a big help to his dad when it comes time to set up and take down the trailer.

Comments 1
We are missing you all but glad everyone is adjusting! Praying for you today!