Pleasing People by Lou Priolo
Recently, I finished a book by this name which included many good thoughts for a chronic “approval junkie.” I recommend this book to any Christian who wants new insight onto just how self-centered their motives are. Warning: you won’t be able to think very highly of yourself after reading. (Disclaimer: Every book we read must be read carefully and compared with Scripture. Ironically, though this author clearly acknowledges benefits of the King James Version, he mostly uses corrupt texts in his quotations.) Here are some of the highlights (quotations in italics):

Why attempting to please man is…
an exercise in futility
1. It is fruitless to try to please men because each person is different and therefore, by pleasing some, you will inevitably displease others.
2. It is unrealistic to try to please people because selfishness distorts their thinking and raises their expectation above that which you can reasonably fulfill. (Is. 2:22)
3. It is futile to try to please people because most of them are unregenerate and believe you to be “foolish” and “strange.” (1 Cor. 2:14; 1 Pt 4:3-4)
4. It is unreasonable to try to please people because even among Christians judgmental attitudes and critical spirits are all too prevalent. (Ecc. 7:21-22)
5. It is futile to try to please people because even Jesus Christ, the Perfect Man, did not please everyone. (Lk. 7:34; Jn. 8:45-48; Mt. 10:25)
6. It is useless to try to please people because they are fundamentally incapable of being pleased by anyone or anything other than Christ. (Prov. 27:20; Ecc. 1:8; Jer. 31:14)
Benefits of pleasing God rather than people
1. You have only one Master to please rather than many. (2 Cor. 5:9)
2. The One you please is wiser than man and will neither misunderstand you nor treat you unreasonably. (Job 8:3; Ps 139:2)
3. The One you please will judge you not on outward appearance but on that which is in your heart. (1 Sam. 16:7)
4. The One you please is not a respecter of persons. (Rom. 2:11; Col. 3:25)
5. The One you please is immutable. (immutable=invariable; unalterable; not capable or susceptible of change, Webster’s 1828) (1 Sam. 15:29; Mal. 3:6)
6. The One you please does not require you to harm yourself in order to please Him, but is pleased only with those things that will ultimately lead to your own happiness.
7.The One you please will not be influenced by talebearers, gossips, or false accusers. Neither will he be misled by misinformation.
I hope something has resonated with you in these statements. Next time I will include introspections about the sin of pride!

Laura started attending Lehigh Valley Baptist Church as a child when her family moved to the area. For years, her primary passion was in nursing and furthering her education. In the midst of pursuing a medical degree, God changed her plans and she married Jonathan Snow (read their story here). Now, she has discovered a special fulfillment from being a wife and a mother! Truly, God’s ways are always for our good and for His glory.
Comments 2
Is this book available in Book Heaven or our library? I especially like the items under Benefits of Pleasing God. Thanks for your review, Laura. I read your review while sitting in a hospital – a place YOU can relate to. 🙂
Oh dear! Hope all is well. The book is available in Book Heaven–I saw one copy. I imagine it would be possible to order more through the bookstore if there happens to be a run on the shelf. 🙂