In our past several articles we have been looking at some of the negative things that you may encounter when your husband is in full-time service. Now I want to switch our focus and look at some positive things. We have looked at some of these in the past, but I want to mention them again at this time.
From my own experiences as a preacher’s kid, then as a pastor’s wife, and now as a missionary’s wife, I believe the blessings of being in full-time Christian work far outweigh the problems and disadvantages. What are some of the rewards and the blessings that you will have along the way?

* You have the privilege of being married to a man of God. Paul praised God that he had been “counted worthy” to minister to others. It is a precious privilege to serve the Lord full time, and this privilege is not given to everyone. It is thrilling to me that I can serve the Lord with my husband and be involved in his ministry.
* You will have special opportunities for seeing people brought to Christ. You will get the chance to visit in the hospitals more than others. You will have opportunities for leading souls to Christ through counseling, visitation, and personal work during the invitation at church. Often people will give you the names of unsaved people that they want you to visit. My husband and I would usually make the follow-up visits on those who visited our church for the first time. Through those visits, many Bible studies were set up.
* You will have many opportunities to use all of your talents and abilities as you serve the Lord. Each different ability you have can be fully developed and used for the Lord in some way, whether you are an artist, a musician, a writer, a nurse, a teacher, etc. Submit your talents and abilities to the Lord, and ask Him how He wants you to use them to bring honor and glory to Him. You might be surprised what He does!!
* You will have opportunities for travel, visiting different parts of the country and even the world. I have had the opportunity to visit various mission fields around the world with my husband. If your husband is a missionary, you will get to live in a place that is strange to you and to learn a new culture.
If your husband is a pastor, the churches that your husband serves in will be in different locations around the United States, and each place will be different. We have lived in 4 different states, and helped to start churches in 4 others. Each place was a different adventure, and we grew to love the area and the people. If you are in God’s will, you can learn to love any place!
* You will experience the love and prayers of the people you minister to. What a precious privilege to have so many people who love you and pray for you every day. It is such a blessing to hear people say, “We pray for you every day,” or “We love you, pastor.”
* You will often be showered with thoughtful gifts from those who are helped by your ministry. Many of these will be small—a plate of cookies, a plant, a sack of fresh vegetables. A few might be large—new furniture, a new car, a trip. But every gift will remind you that you are loved and appreciated.
* You will have opportunity to meet many great men and women of God, and to even entertain them in your home. I remember when I was growing up, we often had preachers and missionaries stay in our home. I always felt honored when they were there, and looked on them with awe as I listened to the stories they would tell.
When I was a pastor’s wife, I considered it a privilege when we had a guest preacher or missionary in our home. And what joy to see my children sitting around listening with awe to these men and women of God share their stories. My children are all grown now, but each one of them speaks fondly of getting to meet so many wonderful servants of God and to spend time with them.
Now I am a missionary wife, and I can say it is still a privilege to have servants of God in our home. Now they might be a visiting pastor from America. Or it might be a fellow missionary serving in a different part of the country. We often have groups of people that come and stay with us for missions training. What a privilege to serve them and to pray for them as they seek God’s will for their life.

* There will be many opportunities for your children. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. They will enjoy all of the blessings already listed. They will see God answer prayer daily and see lives changed because of their father’s ministry. They will get to experience first-hand the blessings of living by faith.
Depending on the attitude of the parent, the child will look on being a “preacher’s kid” with either delight or disgust! Teach your children that serving the Lord is a privilege—the highest privilege in the world.
* You will have the opportunity to be involved fully in your husband’s ministry. This provides great opportunities for sharing in work, prayer, counseling. More than in most careers, the ministry is ideal for developing a partnership between husband and wife. You can work together as a team.
* You will have the opportunity to broaden your outlook on life. The ministry is never dull! Because you will work with a variety of people in many different situations, you can definitely expand your horizons both mentally and socially.
* The pressures of being an example and bearing of spiritual responsibility will bring out your finest character qualities. When you are involved in ministry, you cannot easily give in to self-centeredness and laziness.
* Keeping busy each day touching the lives of others will keep your life exciting! You will never be bored!
These are just a few of the benefits and blessings that I have experienced over my lifetime of being a preacher’s kid and having a husband that is serving in full time ministry. There are many others that I could list, but I hope that this list will get your wheels turning. Many times the difference between whether we see life as a burden or a blessing has to do with our attitude. Remember to look for the blessings and you will find them everywhere!!

Beverly is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and Doug Hammett have been married for over 35 years. Since her father was a pastor and her husband was already a pastor when she married him, she is well acquainted with the blessings as well as the problems of the ministry! Bev’s favorite things to do are read and spend time with her family.
In Autumn of 2010, Doug stepped aside from his position as senior pastor at LVBC to reach and train men in Botswana and South Africa. Beverly continues to write for our ladies publication, giving her unique perspective of life in the ministry, and now life on the mission field. You can read more about their ministry here.
Read Beverly’s articles here and her salvation testimony here.
Comments 1
Miss you ladies of LVBC! Always in my heart…