Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.Ephesians 4:5
Overeating leads to obesity. Over drinking leads to alcoholism. Over spending leads to poverty. Over, Over, Over!!! Excess and overage is common place in American lifestyle.
Now here comes the holidays. To most of us, it is abundance and overindulgence. Very few people have a proper perspective about holiday habits. We all get a little of the attitude… eat, drink &
be merry for tomorrow we die. Here is the inconvenient truth: Following the holiday time of year, comes January. What you have sown in November and December comes to sprout in January. So I am going to offer a word of comfort and exhortation. ENOUGH.
When you have had your fill at a meal, instead of unbuttoning or shoving in more, say enough. It’s enough. I have been at buffets where I have watched people eat way more than they should and then be outright sick from it. At some point moderation was not praised but over abundance was. No one should hurt after a meal. If you need medication to keep it all, you have had more than enough.
Are you hosting? When you prepare meals, if you wind up throwing out extra food, either invite more friends or plan to cook enough. Not everything, but enough. If you ever read vintage cookbooks, they often offer simple meal plans, that won’t break the budget or require you to spend excessive time preparing. Often they are from the type of housewife we hold on a pedestal, and we are breaking our backs trying to uphold a standard that she never held. It’s an idol. Perhaps a bowl of oranges and a cake after a meal will keep sweet conversation going, rather than pies AND cakes. Simple meal plans were enough.
When you are pulled in fifteen directions and you are loosing your temper and good name..say enough. The sun will continue to rise and set if you’re not involved in everything and you don’t complete everything. Take out food, short cut recipes, a lived-in look at home and asking for help is allowed. Choose what you spend your time on with wisdom, not obligation. Obligation is Pharisee-like. What honors God and allows you to keep your testimony is enough to do. It’s enough.
You don’t have $1,000 set aside for Christmas gifts? Remembering someone in kindness is more than enough. I remember when we were first saved and decided to be at church in leu of an extended family non-God honoring celebration. We were quite alone in our Christmas, just my husband and I. We had no children and no money for fancy gifts and were just married, so we didn’t even have Christmas decorations. It was a quiet day, and a sweet family invited us for hot chocolate. It was the highlight of our day, and their kindness filled our hearts and it was enough.
When you buy gifts, spoiling someone and putting yourself in financial strain does not show the love you are trying to express. Something thoughtful given with love is enough. As down to earth and perhaps harsh as it may sound, we have often told our children to pray about what God WANTS you to have. I remember telling my daughter that I could not see any reason she needed a $100 doll. And at the consignment shop the owner said, I have an American Girl doll, would you like it? Don’t tell me God doesn’t answer the desires of our heart.
Has your exercise and scheduled eating gone eschew? It’s a life long pursuit. One day, one meal, one item not on your allowed food list is not the end of the world. Any exercise is better than the couch sitting you would be doing instead. Consider that the best you can do is fine. As the saying goes, good enough is good enough. And of course, perfection is the enemy of done. Do your best and if you falter, don’t throw in the towel.
Let’s endeavor to keep our heads and hearts fixed on things above…things that matter..the love of God and the dear souls For which He gave everything. And to everything else, know when to say enough is enough.

Joyfully serving her Saviour in her blessed position of wife and mother, Dr. Michelle Zarrillo has a unique perspective on health related issues. As a working chiropractor and an avid reader, she has many opportunities to practice that which she learns. Educating her children at home and discovering their special needs has further challenged her to examine the connection between the physical, mental and spiritual realms of the human nature. Her passion for healthier living and her quest for the Creator’s ways of healing keep her pressing forward in search of truth.
Read Michelle’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.
Comments 2
Such a great article- for us during the holidays— but for any day!
very wise Michelle. I have determined to keep this Christmas simple; it’s about the Savior Not the stuff!