Voices changing,
Measurements climbing;
Shoes outgrowing,
Licenses showing.

Life is motoring by. I watch the changes with a sigh.
I knew, “This, too, shall pass”, I just didn’t realize how fast.
Baby fat leaving,
Wisdom teeth heaving;
Braces-straightened teeth gleaming,
Report cards beaming.
Hugs stronger,
Legs longer;
More money to the grocer,
Futures are getting closer.
I’m glad to see them growing. I’m sad to know they’re going.
For a piece of my heart dwells within each of them,
And I know I’ll never recover from this thing called, “Motherhood”.
It’s a terminal condition I’ll carry to my grave.
Here, all is forever changing.
Embracing the change while forgetting not the past; cherishing the present, and praying with hopeful anticipation for the future. With the courage that comes from God alone, I live, love, and laugh in fullest measure knowing that:
To live means to live fully each day, purposefully spending each day’s allotment of precious moments; not wasting one. For today is only good for today.
To live means to love with all my heart—poured out and into the souls around me freely, without reserve and without expectation.
And to live means to laugh, finding joy in the gift of this day. To smile in the midst of the storm reveals the Anchor to which you are fastened and the port to which you are headed.
Change is right. Change is good. For in the change our hearts long more and more for the changeless; and the only changeless thing in this wide universe is our Gracious God and in finding this truth we cling to Him all the more.

As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.