I’m leaving my current profession of 22 years. In this time I have devoted my life to a job that, though knowing full well it to be a temporary position, would consume the years of my strength and vigor. Twenty-one years ago I began my job as Homeschooling Mother. In a few short months I finish that task. Has devoting my “years of strength” to the raising and educating of my children been worth the sacrifice? Yes.
Recently, I was asked to answer the following three questions: What did you do best? What is the one thing you would change if you could go back in time? And, what would you tell yourself at the starting line?

1. What did you do best?
a. I spent time with my children studying God’s Word, reading aloud, laughing a lot and talking. Our “Together Time” in the mornings was a perfect opportunity for these important matters to occur.
b. I showed great respect for God and for their father. Always. No exceptions.
c. We gave our children real work to do that made a real difference in life. The boys worked with their father as often as possible and the girls actually helped to keep the home running smoothly and as soon as they were able they sought to earn money through working for others.
2. What is one thing you would change,
if you could go back in time?
I would love them more. How would this look? I would approach every day with a long-term perspective. I would seek to slow down, to calm down and to be kind; to be patient with their childish ways and never make them feel they’ve disappointed me. I would never allow the pursuit of education to trample down the soul and spirit of my child.
3. What would you tell yourself at the starting line?
You are in for a very long haul. Pace yourself and never lose sight that it is a soul you are shaping, not a vessel you are filling. Remember now, though it makes no sense, that the days are long, but the years are short.

As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.
Comments 6
thank you! so thankful for these words today!
Thank you for your kind encouragement. Isn’t God good to send us messages through things we “happen” to hear, see, or read? Not sure what season you are in presently, but I think it’s safe to say that seeking to love those souls around you today will bring a smile to your heavenly Father’s face and joy into your heart.
Keep pressing onward and upward, my friend!
Well you may not be Homeschooling but you will always be schooling…..
…and I’ll always be learning! Much love to you, my dear!
This really spoke to me… especially #2. Thank you, I needed this perspective and encouragement!
This was helpful to me a homeschool momma for 19 years with another 11 more years to go(Lord willing)!
I too need to slow down and see life happening right before my eyes! I want to look back and say to my kids, boy was that a fun journey!