In the beginning,
when God created all the heavens
and the earth with its plants and animals,
it was as if He sat back,
looked at His creation,
brushed the dust off His hands,
and said good.

But on the sixth day when God made mankind, a living soul, He was overjoyed! Creation was complete. These spiritual beings with whom He could fellowship made Him so happy. It wasn’t the same good creation. It was very good. In fact, it was amazing!
Of all the world views, none compare to the Gospel. If you asked a Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Jew they all have one main world view in common: the pathway to “Heaven” or “Paradise” or “Nirvana” or “Machshava” is that your good deeds must outweigh your bad ones.
Conversely, if you ask a true believer of the Gospel how to get to Heaven, the answer is always the same: it is by the grace and mercy of God, not by any self-righteousness.
One of the biggest mistakes we make (especially young people) is to assume that we cannot do much with our life. We forget that we are a very good creation, handcrafted by God with a purpose. We underestimate what God can do through us. Our focus can easily become more like the false religions of our day. Self-righteousness and God’s righteous work in us get jumbled up in our minds leaving us frustrated and defeated.
Teenager, don’t underestimate what God can do through you
when you are fully yielded to Him.
Remember leprous Naaman? He was led to the man of God by a little unnamed maiden (2 Kings 5:2, 3). Young Rhoda had faith when all the grown-ups doubted the power of their own prayers (Acts 12:13-16). Esther, a young woman probably in her late teen years, turned the tide for God’s people and changed history.
You are individually hardwired and unreplicable. You are a person with unique capacity. God can use you, maybe with the words you speak, an act of faith, or with a gift or talent.
Your Creator’s thoughts toward you are very good, better than you could even imagine. They speak of peace and grace and insurmountable love (Jeremiah 29:11). Don’t fall into the world’s way of viewing God the Creator. Every false religion emphasizes the need for a public demonstration – following creeds, chanting prayers, giving money, bowing down, getting baptized, going to church, etc.

The purpose of a creation is to do
the work it was created to do.
An airplane was created to fly. A boat was created to float. A worm was created to enrich the soil. Plants were created to provide oxygen. A pig was created for bacon. Every single speck of creation has a purpose. And WE were created to know God and walk with Him.
Walking with God is how we fulfill our purpose. It is God’s grand design for everyone, including you. We lose sight of our potential and can feel lost and useless when we walk apart from God. We hop on the hamster wheel of good works while neglecting the One who made us, then wonder why we feel like we’re accomplishing nothing in life (and get worn out in the process). Walking along side our Creator is the only way to understand our design and live out our intended purpose in this life.
Walking with God is not a public thing.
Staged photos of your open Bible so others can see is not how God wants you to walk with Him. He wants all your attention. He wants all your adoration. He wants all your heart – your love, affections, desires, and will.
Walking with God through prayer and His Word helps you recognize His authority as your Creator, and it helps you see your own purpose as His creation. Prayer is not so much what we ask of God but it’s Him revealing His purpose to you through His Spirit. There is no room for false humility as you walk with God, no room for self-righteousness. You are a frail, earthly vessel, and yet God has chosen to make you somebody in this life. Oh, how exciting it is to discover your destiny!
Your grand design, your purpose in life, is discovered when you walk with your Designer. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Open yourself up to prayer and learn to study God’s amazing blueprint for your life. YOU are a very good creation. Don’t ever underestimate what God can do through you.
Comments 1
Reading your article was like getting a great, big hug from a loving friend and an all-embracing smile from a Wonderful God. Thank you for delivering that sweet message to me!