As I type I’m sitting in the “Office” –
…a two-story row home that’s currently empty as we’re in-between families visiting us. The Office is fully equipped with internet, furniture, and best of all – quiet. 🙂
We greatly enjoyed “Miss Eliza” (as she is known to my kids) staying with us for about a week at the beginning of July. The fellowship was sweet and recently she took the bus 4.5 hours to come for another brief visit.
Khru Ut is my Thai tutor and I can’t even begin to share how God has blessed me with her friendship. We study together twice a week, but really we both walk away feeling blessed as we shared tidbits from what the Lord taught us in our personal quiet time with Him. I’ve not met another person who can remember as many Scripture references as she can. She has been an immense blessing and friend to me, as well as a help in the Thai language.
Ruth is my dear friend from Myanmar. Sometime in 2016, I began to pray and ask the Lord for a saved friend to have here in Thailand. As much as I enjoy keeping in touch with friends in the States, the 11-hour time difference is such a hurdle. (By the time we finish breakfast in the morning, I look at the clock and see it says 8 AM – that’s 9 PM on
the East Coast and most people are shutting down and preparing for bed.) I met Ruth in December 2016 and she has been such a joy to know!
At the end of July, we will have the opportunity to be involved with a Couples Retreat and a Ladies’ Retreat. We thank God for meeting this desire of our hearts!
My husband diligently worked on the plot of ground in front of our house and has transformed it into a beautiful grassy area. My son correctly made the assessment we would now need a mower. Nat has been quite hesitant to purchase a mower, as we have no place to store it. (In a land where closets in the house are the exception, not the rule, you can forget about finding a house with a garage or shed.) Paul was disappointed to hear we would not be getting a mower. God cares about the desires of a little boy’s heart, and over the course of three weeks just about every neighbor around us needed to use a mower, particularly the big overgrown lot next door. Paul was in his glory… and we didn’t have to buy a mower. 🙂
We’re excited Matt & Jessica Moats are planning to be with us from August-November. We’ve dubbed 2017 as “The Year of Visitors” and we look forward to getting to know this family better as they gain experience of life on the mission field.
We’re also thrilled to share that we are expecting a tie-breaker! Lord willing, baby GIRL Williams will join our family in December. Paul and Ellie are very excited and recently as Ellie was holding her baby doll, I mentioned she should be careful not to touch the baby’s eyes but instead touch the hands or toes. Paul came over then and said, “Oh, we shouldn’t touch the baby’s eyes! No, that’s not good.” as he proceeded to poke the baby doll’s eyes. 🙂

Living in Thailand is a daily adventure for Anne Williams and her family of six. In between all of the many language blunders, running after toddlers, and giving the neighbors plenty to smile at, she is grateful God’s grace is always available just when she needs it.
Read more about their ministry here and watch her testimony here.