“This book aims to help parents and churches to be disciples of Jesus Christ and to avoid the pitfalls of the world, the flesh and the devil. It warns that it is not enough to tell children what to do: they must be taught to apply God’s Word to their lives. This book provides many powerful Bible lessons on practical Christian living toward this end.”David Cloud
I have read many books on this topic but this book covers an extensive amount of helpful information on the Christian Home & raising godly children. It is filled with testimonies on what to do and what not to do to raise children to bring glory to God.
Here are some quotes:
Inconsistency on the part of the parent will do more to breed rebellion than virtually any other thing.
The home ought to be an aquarium of love.
We parents have to take the time to raise our children. That means spending time with them in God’s Word and out of God’s Word.
Children must not be seen as a distraction and disruption but as a blessing from God to be molded into the leaders of the future.
Individually your children need to know you love them.
Parents must make the home a place of enjoyment.
Teaching obedience and respect for authority is a major part of child discipline.
Wise parents will fill their home with the Scripture, teaching it to the children, memorizing it together, discussing it.
You as a parent have to get the child’s heart. Not only must you get the heart of the child but you must keep the heart of the child.
Parents must make the home a place of enjoyment.
The daily family altar is very important. It’s a time when the family can meet regularly and consistently to worship God and study His Word.
Parents must train their children to have a private daily devotional time.
Parents must be very patient and kind with their children. They are delicate.
The father encourages his children to share their hearts during family devotions.
You should build relationships with your child at every opportunity, teaching, mentoring on every bit of life.
Talking to your children about the things of God and discussing the Bible and applying it to life’s situations should be as natural as talking about the weather, and it should be a daily and a continual process.
Christian parent, Satan is sneaky, deceptive, and desires to destroy your child. He will use anything he can to get your child’s heart.
As parents our Christian walk comes first, then we have 2 things we keep before our children first being that we are to be SERVANTS and next that we are to be SOUL WINNERS.
We are all missionaries, we either bring people nearer to Christ, or we repel them from Christ.
Learning about God’s amazing creation cause one’s heart to be lifted in praise and wonder to the Almighty Creator.
Each day, we need to make a conscious decision to put off the old nature and put on the new. We need to train our children to do the same.
“I have taught him by example that there is nothing more exciting in life then to ask the Lord to use you each day, and to see how He will lead. I have the word ETERNITY over my fireplace and above my clock. I continually teach my grandson that ETERNITY is everything. It doesn’t matter what we suffer now, what we gain or lose, all that matters is eternity. When we face Christ, will we be confident that we invested everyday in the things that will count for ETERNITY?”
On pages 393-417, you will also find a great section on being a godly grandparent.
This book is excellent, and it can be purchased in at our church bookstore.

Gina is happily married to Jim Hall who is the Director of Payroll at St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network in Bethlehem, PA. They have been members of the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church for over 30 years. They have 7 children & 11 grandchildren. The 3 oldest children are married. Two boys and two girls are at home. Our 2 girls came from the wonderful country of China. We love all our children immensely and enjoy a very happy, fulfilled home. Training her children in the ways of the Lord brings great delight!
Gina loves to read motivational and inspirational books. She finds them a tremendous source of spiritual and personal growth in her life.
Born in a Catholic home, Gina came to know the Lord at 25 years of age, through the witness of a member from the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church. You can read her testimony here on our church website.