Motherhood turns you inside out. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by how tired you feel; the days go on and on. You want to be a “good’ mom, but you feel like a failure so much of the time. What happened to all your ideals? When did you end up feeling so…lost?”
Sally is a veteran homeschooling Mom embodying the mentor so many of us wish we could have. Sarah Mae is the younger mom longing to be a good momma to her little ones, seeking the friendship and advice of her older co-author.
This is the book for us moms to read, as we all strive and struggle to be that “perfect” mom. A book reminding us that godly parenting is fueled by God’s grace, not by our efforts. Reminding us that we need to lay each child at the foot of the cross and praying that Jesus will call them to Him. Are we trying to be perfect, what God never asked us to be apart from Him?
Nobody places expectations on themselves quite as heavy and overwhelming as mothers. And no one is quite as hard on themselves when they can’t live up to their own impossible high standards. Sally encourages every young mother to seek out the older mom as a mentor and friend, reminding us we need to cultivate intimate friendships with other women. We need to become initiators if we want to have friends and fellowship.
Everyone is too busy and overwhelmed with life at times and there are practical examples to encourage you along in this book. The older mothers need to be reaching out to the younger ones with the intention of lending a helping hand and offer an encouraging word. Be prayerfully seeking out and befriending the younger mommas in this journey of motherhood.
If you’re a busy, tired mom who doesn’t have time to read a book, then this book will be the best thing for you! Sarah and Sally share from their hearts, their disappointments, and heartbreaks. They offer much wisdom, compassion, and understanding. At the end of each chapter is a “your turn” and “something to do.” Let’s get intentional and not just read but apply 🙂
This book is available in the church bookstore.
Sally Clarkson has written 13 great books and writes at her blog www.SallyClarkson.com daily. She has several other books available so take a peek at her blog or listen to one of her podcasts. I am certain she will encourage you, too!
About Jenn Spangenberg
Jenn is a wife and homeschooling mother of three girls. Her love of family drives her pursuit of godly books on marriage, mothering, and healthy nutrition.

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Comments 2
I disagree, look at that: https://harmonyfinearts.org/2013/01/book-review-desperate-sarah-mae-sally-clarkson/
Could you be more specific about what you disagree with regarding this book review? Thank you!