Hannah wove a “little coat”
Each year, for her sweet little boy,
And in the weaving solace found—
Great comfort and great joy.
And as she wove a prayer arose
Within her mother heart,
“O keep him safe and free from sin,
Though we are far apart
Dear Lord, I gave my son to Thee;
My will I now resign;
Oh, may the pattern of his life
Fulfill Thy great Design!”
Thus Hannah wisely prayed and wove
With faith and loving care,
Though sometimes in among the folds
A teardrop glistened there.
God heard her prayers! The story sweet
Has o’er and o’er been told,
And Oh, I know, God listens now
As in those days of old.
So let us weave our coats of love,
To keep our children warm,
With Wisdom, interlined with Faith,
To shield them from the storm
Of doubt and fear and loneliness
That may beset their way,
And as we weave, some tears will fall,
But let us ever pray,
“Dear Lord, I’ve given them to Thee;
My will I now resign;
Just let the pattern of their lives
Fulfill Thy great Design!”

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Comments 1
Who is the author of this poem and when was it written? My grandmother quoted this poem (or one similar)often when I was young.