It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD… -Psalm 92:1
I’m meditating on this verse today, so I thought I would share with you a few of the “thanks” that are on my mind.
Those of you with children understand the challenges of getting away as a couple.
:::I’m thanking the Lord for the opportunity Nat and I had to go away this past week for a two-day/one-night trip to Mae Sai.
It was a “working” trip, but any time alone with my husband is cherished! This was our first time away in three years. Deputation does NOT count! 🙂
:::I thank God for my friend, Pookie, who willingly stayed with Paul and Ellie while we were gone.
The kids did great! We warned Pookie that our kiddos wake up at 6 AM, and she couldn’t believe that’s exactly what happened – right on the nose!
Before we left on the trip, we were asking the Lord for some specific things regarding our new house in Mae Sai.
:::I’m so thankful I have a wise, Heavenly Father who works things out exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think.
While on this trip, we were able to purchase and see installed air conditioners in four rooms, buy a kitchen/patio table & chair set, and hand the kitchen cabinet plans over to the cabinet maker, who just so happens to have nothing to do for the next two weeks so he can devote all his time to our project! In addition to that, we found a countertop for the cabinets and also quickly browsed through a curtain store, finding something we liked almost immediately.

The technicians installing the air conditioners.
Mae Sai isn’t exactly a foreigner hotspot, so imagine our surprise when we saw an Australian walking out of a Home Depot-like store – which happened to be the one foreigner in Mae Sai Nat knew!
:::Thank you, God, for connecting us again with the one family we know who speaks English.
We plan to spend most of our time working with nationals, but it sure is nice to have a conversation with someone who is a native English speaker. 🙂
Over the last several weeks, many people have asked me how the packing is going. In about two weeks’ time, we’ll be all packed up! But for now, since we’re still using everything, the packing is not going. 🙂 The moving truck comes on June 29th, and we’ll follow on June 30th. For the first week or so we will be without a kitchen, which is fine. The kitchen can’t be put together until we move up there, so we’re looking at it as a camping adventure. Let’s just hope we don’t go a whole month without a kitchen like we did last February. But if we do, we know that the Lord gives grace and it is what we make it to be.
We’re very excited to be moving one step closer to Burma. Yes, we will miss Chiang Mai. This has been our home for the last 19 months. But as we look to minister to people groups from Burma, we expect the Lord to do great and mighty things.

Living in Thailand is a daily adventure for Anne Williams and her family of six. In between all of the many language blunders, running after toddlers, and giving the neighbors plenty to smile at, she is grateful God’s grace is always available just when she needs it.
Read more about their ministry here and watch her testimony here.
Comments 1
Thank you Anne for your thoughts. Several things you mentioned spoke to my heart, especially about being thankful.