Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest, And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
Three years ago, on my 32nd birthday, I found a large bald spot on the back of my head. I panicked and thought of the most horrific things that could be wrong with me.
After a few months, I was finally diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease that attacks your hair follicles, causing them to fall out.
This was shocking and devastating to me, but I was able to cover it up with a wig for about a year. During and after my pregnancy with our fourth child, my hair slowly grew back and by the end of this past summer I had almost all my hair back! But in October my hair began to fall out rapidly.
I knew that it would not be long before I went completely bald.
I began to think ahead trying to figure out how I could cover up what was happening. All I could think was “I didn’t want to be bald, I don’t want people to look at me funny, I won’t feel pretty.” I really didn’t want to go through this again! But, I figured I would buy another wig and I could go about life as normal.
However, every time I would bring the subject of wearing a wig to my husband, he would say he didn’t think I should cover it up again. That left me feeling irritated because how could “I” go bald… “I” just can’t do that.
During this time the Lord began to prick my heart.
“Sarah, why can’t you give me your hair? That’s all I am asking for, I have given you so much. I have given you my life and all I am asking is for you to lay down your pride and give me your hair!”
“Sarah, I can use you through this. Think about how many people you could share your testimony with?”
These thoughts kept going through my mind and I knew the Holy Spirit was urging me to obey. I tried to push these thoughts out of my head and I wanted to plead with the Lord “NO, please Lord, don’t ask me to do this, please just let me wear a wig!”
The conviction became stronger and I was miserable! It was time for me to yield Him – both soul AND my body.
Finally, I knew that I must listen to the Lord and lay my wants and desires down for Him and allow Him to use me however He saw fit. I finally put my all on the altar and sacrificed myself fully to Him. And, as the chorus reads, peace and sweet rest came over me. I was surprised by the joy that compassed me! To know that my God is going to use me for His glory and that He has a unique plan for me is so exciting!
I have updated my testimony tract and my desire is that the Lord would give me opportunities to meet others to share not only my hair-loss story with but also how the Lord saved me.
Truly, I am finding that as I give my all to Him and sacrifice my wants and desires, I experience peace and sweet rest. The blessings through this trial in my life definitely outweigh any negatives. When you allow the Lord to control your heart, the peace and blessings that follow are so wonderful.
Why do we resist and want our own way so often? He only desires the best for us!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. – Jeremiah 29:11

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Comments 25
Sarah, you are such an inspiration! I have seen so much spiritual growth in you through this and I rejoice in God’s goodness with you! Isn’t the Lord good to give us opportunities to trust and obey Him? :o)
Love you,
Praise the Lord!
Oh my dear friend!! May you continue to be to the praise of His Glory. Love and miss you very much! <3
Love and miss you Kristin!
What a sweet testimony! I know that God is going to use it in many lives. Praying for you.
Thank you, Bev! Praise the Lord. I am so thankful for my Salvation and that I can go through this with Christ and not alone.
Sarah, you are an inspiration and a blessing to me!
Love you
Sarah, you are still extremely beautiful.
Thank you, Becky
Sarah, you are such a testimony of what a surrendered life is! It fills my heart with joy to see you rise to the occasion and share what God is doing in and through you! I’m so proud of you and wish the miles weren’t between us because I would hug you so tightly!! You are more beautiful now than ever! Thank you for courageously and obediently sharing!! I love you girlie!!
Oh, thank you Denyse! You were such a godly example to me! Love you
Dear Sarah,
Truly, you are beautiful inside and out. To God be the glory for what He is doing and will continue to do through you!
Love and admiration,
Your Sunday School buddy
Yes, Praise the Lord. I definitely couldn’t do it without the Lord!!
You are beautiful inside and out! Hair certainly does not make us who we are, and it is obvious that you are a wonderfully faithful mother and woman. That is what counts! ! Keep your eyes focused on Christ so you can praise the Lord for the glorious gift of life, friends, and family!
Thank you for your encouraging words!
You are a beautiful woman.what an encouragement to women who have lost their hair to cancer. Thank you for sharing such a private part of your life.
Praise the Lord!
Sarah, you are still a beautiful girl. God bless you!
Hello, Tina! Thank you
Sweet Sarah,
Faithful is he who calleth you, who also will do it. I Thess. 5:24 You are beautiful and a blessing to me. Praying for you!
Oh, Holly! How wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for praying!
Sarah, You ARE beautiful inside and out! What really strikes me though is the happiness shining from your eyes. May God continue to bless you and your family. Love & prayers
What a wonderful testimony of strength, courage, and dependence on God Sarah!
The verse that came to my mind was Prov. 31:25 “strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come”
“God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind… when you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart”
Thank you for the challenge,
Sarah you inspire me with your testimony I remember when they shave my hair for my ansrysm I was to embarrass to go out but now that I’m saved I realized that is the least of my worries thank you for beautiful testimony