Since we moved to South Africa in February, our lives and ministry have taken a much different direction. We naively thought that, since we had lived in Africa already for almost 4 years, moving would not be a big deal. But we have been proven wrong! First, it took us almost 2 months to find a place to live, during which time we lived out of our car, staying in different guesthouses along the way. That was an experience all in itself!
Then after we did find a house and got moved in, we literally spent the next 4 months dealing with problems—broken electric fence, broken electric gate, clogged up sewer line, alarm system that needed repair, repairs to the house itself, electrical problems in the house, breakers that keep flipping off, locks that needed to be fixed, a leaky roof, etc., etc.
The scenario was basically the same on all these: call the real estate company, get permission to fix the problem, call workmen to get 2 quotes, turn quotes into the real estate company, wait, wait, wait, finally get approval, call the workmen, wait for them to come, they don’t show up, call them again, wait for them to come, they don’t show up, call them again, wait for them to come, they don’t show up, etc., etc.
When the workmen finally do show up, you have to be home to let them in the gate, and then to watch over them so they do things right. Thankfully most of those problems have now been dealt with, except for the leaky roof. The real estate company assures us that someone is coming to fix the roof, but so far we haven’t seen anyone. And the rains start up again next month! Hopefully he shows up soon.
This down time has also included some re-evaluation of ministry practices, some revamping of strategies, and some new ideas on how to proceed in the future. I was able to get all our studies reprinted with our new address, and the testimony tracts also. Some of the studies have been edited also to make them more understandable for the people here.
This time of waiting has been difficult, but the Lord has taught me many things. I know He led us here to this place, so I must be content and trust that He will lead us to the people He has for us to work with. So we wait and we pray.
The last few weeks we have seen answers to those prayers. Slowly the Lord is bringing us in contact with different key people. A few weeks ago my husband met a young man who in turn introduced him to several other men, all with groups of people that are interested in studying the Bible. The area they are in is about an hour away, and as far as we can tell, there is no one working in that area. I am not sure how many villages there are, but they stretch on for miles and miles. Pray that we will be able to find some key men in that area.
Another recent milestone was on my birthday when I turned 60. When you are young and you hear of someone turning 60, it seems so very old! But now that I am there, I have a different perspective. It was certainly a day of reflection and remembrance!
As I looked back over my life, I am overwhelmed at how wonderful the Lord has been to me. I am thankful to the Lord for every year of my life. I am thankful for my salvation and for the opportunity to serve the Lord with my life. I am thankful for a wonderful husband that loves and cherishes me. I am thankful for the 4 children that the Lord blessed us with and for their desire to serve the Lord with their lives. I am thankful for 2 lovely daughters-in-law and a wonderful son-in-law. I am thankful for 7 beautiful grandchildren, for 3 that have already graduated to heaven, and one more to be added in October.
I am thankful for the blessing of family and friends. I am thankful for the health that the Lord has blessed Doug and I with. I am thankful to have spent the last 4 years of my life in Africa, and the privilege of sharing the good news of the gospel with precious souls here. As I look ahead to the future, I pray that whatever days ahead the Lord allows me to live, I will always be faithful to Him, as He has been faithful to me. The words of this song expresses is very well…
Every day I’m amazed
That God would spend each day with me.
I’m overwhelmed by His ways,
That He could feel such love for me.
To Him I’m worth saving,
And my heart is craving
To know Him in His righteousness,
And understand His ways.
Every day, in every way, I’m amazed!

Beverly is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and Doug Hammett have been married for over 35 years. Since her father was a pastor and her husband was already a pastor when she married him, she is well acquainted with the blessings as well as the problems of the ministry! Bev’s favorite things to do are read and spend time with her family.
In Autumn of 2010, Doug stepped aside from his position as senior pastor at LVBC to reach and train men in Botswana and South Africa. Beverly continues to write for our ladies publication, giving her unique perspective of life in the ministry, and now life on the mission field. You can read more about their ministry here.
Read Beverly’s articles here and her salvation testimony here.