There’s just something wonderful about being able to say you were able to see two couples get married and be a part of it.
Two African weddings took place in the church here in Francistown and the experience was one I will never forget. The first couple to be married was Muzola and Soneni (picture below) followed by our brother and sister in Christ, Laison and Dimpho (above picture of Hannah with the bride).
The experience was great as we witnessed some different cultural things. The dressing, the way the family cooperated (the aunt and uncle are the ones mostly involved instead of the parents), and the enthusiasm which is by far my favorite part. Enthusiasm, you may ask? Well, I’ll explain. When excited the African ladies let out a shrill and there are songs to be sung in their African language after the wedding is officiated. It’s a thrilling thing to see and very touching at how much these people love seeing a wedding. There is also a time when the family and friends of the bride and groom will stand up and give advice on marriage.
African weddings can be extremely expensive when done the usual way. They have a traditional wedding in their village and then they have white wedding-that is a church wedding. Even before getting married, it’s traditional for the groom to pay a lebola-this is a sort of dowry, to be able to marry his intended. It’s a long process but in the end it’s wonderful to see marriages being established the right way.
We were encouraged to see the collaboration of the church members here in Francistown as well as the church in Mokobo. It was a blessing to be a small part of the ceremonies through taking pictures, videoing the wedding and serving food. It was an experience that I will not soon forget!

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.