By Emily Roy
Laundry day, for some it’s a dreaded chore but for others it’s a welcomed privilege. Around my house there is a lot of laundry to be done and due to the nature of their business the fella’s in the family really put their clothes to work. We’ve had many different laundry detergents and as you know, they are mostly expensive. Besides the expense, many don’t do much more than make them smell clean. I was under the impression that this was the norm until I met a friend from Turkey who said that there was a noticeable decline in quality in our washer machines as opposed to the machines in Turkey. This was verified by her Aunt who when visiting the States preferred hand washing over using the machine.
Regardless of whether the soap or the washer is to blame for the lack of cleanness in our clothes, we do depend heavily on the detergent we use. My Mom has kindly shared her detergent recipe with all of us. We have had great success with it and it has been verified by the crew. For those of you with the High Efficiency (HE) washers some of these ingredients won’t work for you. When shopping double check for the HE symbol somewhere on the box and as always, check the manual that came with your HE washer for any specifics on laundry detergent preferences.
Roy’s Laundry Soap:
- 1 box Borax powder (4 lb. 12 oz.)
- 1 Oxiclean (3 lb.)
- 1 Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda (3 lb. 7 oz.)
- 2 bars Fels Naptha soap
- 1 Arm and Hammer Baking Soda (4 lb.)
- 1-2 55oz Purex Crystals Fabric Softeners
This is strong stuff, wear gloves! Grate the soap bars and blend all the ingredients together. These amounts are what we use, but it makes a bunch! You can cut the ingredient amounts in half for a smaller household. We have been able to save 50% with this recipe and it does its job. You can have fun with this one too. Swap out the scented softener crystals for your favorite scent and add a box of BIZ (found at Giant). The Fels Naptha soap deserves an entire article in and of itself. You can find it in the laundry aisles at the stores.
Enjoy the fresher cleaner clothes!

Full of fun and passion, Emily invests her energy in her cleaning business (where she has learned so many of the great tips!) and in helping her family’s business. It was in her teen years that Emily surrendered her life to Christ, and she faithfully serves at Lehigh Valley Baptist Church. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, writing, gardening, and kayaking.
Comments 1
I enjoyed reading your laundry article. It is well written and makes me want to whip up a batch!