Giving Him Your Willingness
I’ve heard the illustration of our life being in 3 buckets labeled: Things I can change. Things I can’t change. Things I can influence through prayer. Sometimes we spend all our time with our heads in the bucket of things we can’t change. That will surely overwhelm & discourage us. It’s a bleak view.
When faced with a situation that looms – one where we long to help, to mend, to do whatever we can – give God your willingness. The meek response is willing to let God work . It’s a willingness to follow God & His Word. It’s a willingness to let God work. It’s a willingness to be used of God in His perfect way & timing – and only at His beckoning.
A friend in Africa wanted to stop working. She absolutely had to financially at that time. She pursued all the different options she could. Her husband pursued a new job. Yet, the doors closed. She finally gave it to God. She gave her willingness to God; trusting that He knew her heart and would meet the needs. Months passed and one day out of the blue, her husband got called for a job. One that they hadn’t pursued. One that he eventually took – and she is now able to be at home with her kids.
Willingness. Contentment. It’s surrender wrapped in different packages. The result is peace every time.
Psalm 51:17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.”