The wind shakes the windows
startles my focus
makes my heart shiver
Swirling gusts circle
leaving me scared
leaving dust in my eyes
The howling makes me think
this life is dangerous
and best left alone
I crouch in the corner
wishing for the past
waiting for it to pass
But it doesn’t.
The noises grow louder
the night grows longer
the dark gets deeper
I cry out to the only One
Who can save
and will save
He speaks to me
but doesn’t stop the wind
He touches me
but doesn’t calm the storm
And I wait.
In waiting I learn
the wind is all air
blown about
In waiting I find
the sound is all bark
with no bite
In staying I grow
strengthen my mind
trust on my God
In waiting I learn.
Impatience chokes me
haunting my choices
and opportunities
Justice scoffs me
breaking my heart
for things left undone
Fears beset me
holding me back
keeping me down
He speaks to me
but doesn’t stop the wind
He touches
in love
but doesn’t calm the storm
So I wait.
In waiting I learn
that patience is virtue
born out through trial
In waiting I find
justice is always
found in Him
In staying I grow
strengthen my mind
trust on my God
In waiting I learn.
Doubt dogs my footsteps
making me weak
making me lame
Can I keep doing this?
Can I go on?
What lies ahead?
Doubt makes me question
the things I believe
the things I hold dear
He speaks to me
as He pulls me to shelter
He shields me
with love
from the storms all around
And I wait.
In waiting I learn
that doubt traps a soul
from moving ahead
In waiting I find
deliverance comes
in giving up self
In staying I grow
strengthen my mind
lean on Him more
In waiting I learn.

Comments 2
These beautiful words touch the very soul of me. I know them intimately. I too am learning to wait, to trust completely, and depend on Him fully. As the storms rage He has taught me he loves me with an everlasting love, He tenderly cares for me, and He will never leave me.
I have been deepy touched by your poem this morning and I can think of no greater words to say than the name of the Lord Jesus Christ has been glorified in you.
Just read this for the first time today. For anyone who has been there, they certainly can identify. Well written Rachel. Life is full of waiting, as I continue to learn, and it is a daily exercise to rest and trust in the One Who knows the way that I take. Thank you for sharing this!