Armed with her GPS, her glovebox stuffed with backup maps, and a full tank of gas, Sheila headed for the turnpike. “Ah, I love road trips!” she said, windows down to the spring breeze and her favorite artists singing through the stereo. Entrance ramps ahead, she glanced in her mirror and changed lanes. “WAIT! Where am I going?” she thought.
Does that seem a bit preposterous to you? Who starts out on a long journey, bags packed and ready to go, without having at least a direction in mind? Sure, there are those who are all about the journey more than the destination… but still, they have an idea in which part of the country they will find themselves.
Knowing where you are going is the first step of knowing how to get there. It seems such an obvious and simple step, yet one that we overlook in our day-to-day lives.
How would you characterize your daily life? Are you drifting? Maybe you hate your job, but you work it because you need money to fund your shopping habit. Latest interests come and go, you buy magazines because the cover looks appealing, you get addicted to a new TV show every week, you pick up hobbies and drop them when a more exciting one comes along.
Or do you live with purpose? You have goals set of things you want to learn, do, and see. You work a job that has great meaning to you – it is something you would enjoy doing even if you weren’t paid to do it! You are constantly pushing yourself to new limits and learning new things.
Let me tell you, it is easier to be a drifter. They don’t usually bother anyone. But it is those who live with purpose that actually get things done. They know where they are going, and with the road map of God’s Word, they know how to get there.
This isn’t just the difference between being spontaneous and being a routine sort of person. No, this is much deeper than that. This is talking about what is in your heart – where are you going?
As single women who desire to please God, we should not be wasting our days. We should be redeeming the time, making the most of our free time! Here is my challenge to you today. Look at your life – this day, this week, this month – and think about some of the goals that you have. Do you have any goals? Maybe you need to set some for yourself!
Your goals don’t have to be large. If you’ve been living out a somewhat boring routine and realize you need to push yourself a little harder, then start small. Pick a skill that you want to learn, and start to pursue it! Maybe it is knitting, cooking, changing the oil in your car, giving the Gospel to someone, whatever. Buy a book, take a class, watch YouTube videos, ask a friend – do whatever you need to do to learn that thing. Then get out there and practice and make it a part of your life.
Remember, the first step in getting where you’re going is to know where you are going. It may seem simple, but you really do have to start somewhere!

Comments 1
Powerful thoughts Rachel! The crazy thing is that living with purpose/goals seem to get harder after marriage and child(ren)!! Life is no longer just about “me.” :o)
Thanks for your encouraging article (well written, as always)!