Dear Ladies,
Wow, so much has been happening lately, I am not sure where to start. They say time flies when you are having fun—so we must be having lots of fun! I can honestly say that we are enjoying our time here and are keeping busy doing the work that God has called us to do.
Most of you get the updates I send out, so I will try not to repeat myself here. If you do not receive those updates and would like to, please let me know. In my last update I mentioned little Sophia (I found out her name is actually Sapphire but the way they pronounce it sounds just like Sophia!). She is doing much better and was released from the hospital on Monday last week. Pray that she continues to do well. Sadly, her mother had to take her and her two brothers to her home village on Friday. The children will be staying there with their grandparents until Sonani can find someone who is willing to watch them. She had to return to her job or she will lose it, and her family depends on her income to survive. Her husband Muzola makes bricks and sells them. Between the two of them, they barely make enough to feed their family.
We have been working with the two main groups—the one in town and the one in Makobo—on the subject of baptism, what a church is, and what it means to be a Baptist. In readiness for our first baptismal service, we have been having those that have gotten saved to give their testimony of salvation in the morning service. It has been a blessing to hear their words as they describe what Christ has done in their lives. We have also been recording these testimonies and then writing up testimony tracts for each of them. These tracts have been received very well by anyone we hand them to, and they usually ask for more. We have eight tracts done at present, with more to come.
It is so neat to see the faces of these believers when you hand them their tract with their picture on the front. Many of these testimonies are on my husband’s blog if you would like to read them. Just go to and you will find them there. They are under the category Ministry Resources and then African Stories. Rachel is gradually adding the text along with the recorded testimonies because if you are not familiar with the way they speak, it is very hard to understand them. We are planning a baptismal service for the Sunday after Easter, so please keep these new believers in your prayers.
Last week when I went to the Pick-n-Pay grocery store, I was shocked to see a bunch of Jenny-O turkeys from America in the freezer. This was especially unusual because they didn’t have any turkeys for Thanksgiving or Christmas. But in the middle of March, there they were. Of course, I bought one! There wasn’t room for it in our home freezer, so I just defrosted it and cooked it. So we have been enjoying turkey sandwiches and all the other yummy stuff you do with left-over turkey. I think Sam ate the last of it tonight—but it was good while it lasted!
On Saturday this past week I met Thindie in town for a discipleship study. She lives in Borolong which is about 30 km outside of town on the way to Makobo. Whenever she is in town, she gives me a call to see if we can meet together. She has only been saved about six months, but she has a real desire to grow and to learn. Her understanding of English is limited, so we have to go slow and keep it very simple.
At the end of the lesson on Saturday, she said she had a gift for me, and handed me an envelope. Inside was 100 pula—which is about $20. I didn’t want to take it from her, because that represents probably a week’s wage for her. But she insisted that I keep it. What she said to me brought tears to my eyes. She said, “I am so happy; you have taught me so much. Thank you for bring the Word of God to me. This is a gift from my heart because I love you.” I was very humbled, to think that God would use me in such a way. To be able to share His Word with others is the greatest privilege we have as Christians. Thank you for the part you have in this ministry also—through your giving and through your prayers. We couldn’t do it without you all in America holding the ropes!
Until next time,

Beverly is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and Doug Hammett have been married for over 35 years. Since her father was a pastor and her husband was already a pastor when she married him, she is well acquainted with the blessings as well as the problems of the ministry! Bev’s favorite things to do are read and spend time with her family.
In Autumn of 2010, Doug stepped aside from his position as senior pastor at LVBC to reach and train men in Botswana and South Africa. Beverly continues to write for our ladies publication, giving her unique perspective of life in the ministry, and now life on the mission field. You can read more about their ministry here.
Read Beverly’s articles here and her salvation testimony here.
Comments 2
Please add me to your updates. I want to share them with our ladies each month. These monthly posts are a great inspiration. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Please add me too. I would be blessed, encouraged, and edified to read your updates. Praising God for your and your family’s faithful service to HIM!