I want to know this God who loves me so;
Who has done so much for me;
Who, for me, gave of His precious Son.
I want to know this God who is pleased to dwell
with the humble, contrite and seeking soul.
I want to know this God who has written a Book
to tell of His love for earth-dwelling sinners such as I.
I want to know this God who calls me by name;
Who holds the ever-changing count of the hairs of my head.
He knows my downsitting and mine uprising.
He formed me in my mother’s womb,
He walks alongside me through this journey called life,
and He will usher me through the veil of death, into His glory forevermore.
I want to know Him, My Constant Friend.
The One who says He will never leave me nor forsake me.
I want to know this God who can be found
with a turn of my heart and the whisper of my voice;
Who waits always for my coming,
never giving up, never losing hope;
speaking peace, and planning my expected end;
Who speaks to man through the voice of man
and graciously through the precious Word of His very breath.
I want to know this God whose voice
is poetic,
full of strength,
overflowing with compassion;
mingled with mercy and justice,
compelling with love
and which burns into my soul
altering the course of my thoughts.
I want to know this God who loves
and loves and loves and loves and loves and loves and loves…………
and I want to love as I am loved.
I want to freely give as I have freely received.
I choose to be desperately dependent on this One Who loves me so;
on the One Who knows the paths my feet have yet to tread.
I choose desperate dependence over faithless independence,
I choose to believe that my days are arranged and ordained by Him
and that all that I face comes as from a loving God.
I choose to open His Word daily and to believe that, as I read,
this same God is speaking personally to me
and that this meeting is a holy privilege I must never forsake.
(For He knows what my future holds and He knows the knowledge and wisdom I will daily need),
I choose to know Him, for I know,
I am as close to God as I choose to be.
I choose to spend time at His feet, soaking in His grace.
I am pleased to wait on His voice, to tarry in this holy place.
I will eagerly anticipate His moving in my life, knowing, “(My) help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” And He that made heaven and earth is the “high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy;” and He says, “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
How wholly unworthy am I;
How Holy and Worthy is He.
Knowing Him.
Wanting to know Him.
Hearing from Him.
It is all a gift.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
“He giveth and He giveth and He giveth again.”
Praise His holy name.
Praise Him.
Praise Him.
Thank you, my Gracious Saviour.

As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.