“The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.” Proverbs 16:1
My Mom shared a great tip with me on how to easily use the lipstick that is usually wasted at the bottom of a lipstick tube! Scrape the lipstick out of the bottom of the tube with a cotton swab or toothpick and put it in a small empty container. Put your lipstick “chunks” in the little container in the microwave for a few seconds until they melt. Let them cool and voila! You have a nice little lipstick compact. Use a lipstick brush or a fingertip to apply to your lips.
The Lord knew I would need this information. I had just gotten a brand new tube of lipstick. Sophia and I were finishing up her schoolwork and I heard the boys playing contentedly together….but I didn’t hear Levi. I called him and I heard his little footsteps in our bathroom. My jaw tightened. I knew this could mean disaster. Levi has a certain fondness for creams, lotions, spray bottles and the like. I raced up to the bathroom and this is what I found.
My new lipstick was smeared everywhere, along with a brand new stick of concealer. He couldn’t get out of the bathroom because his hands were so slippery with cosmetic products! I was disappointed, but thankful that the Lord prepared the way before me to make it easier to deal with my things being ruined (again!) and a mess everywhere just when it was time to walk out the door for an appointment. I now have my very own nice little compact of refurbed lipstick that I apply with a cotton swab. I also have an adorable little boy who daily colors my life with fun and excitement.
Sometimes it takes something getting ruined to remind me that my stuff and my rights and my space is becoming my “treasure”. In the midst of looking “well to the ways of our household” (Pr. 31), it’s important to be reminded that things are not what I am to cling to. Bon voyage, lipstick. Thanks for the lesson, Lord.
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21

Katina is wife to Graeme and mom to eight fun-loving kids. Some of Katina’s favorite hobbies are bargain shopping and couponing! She is excited to share good deals, fresh money-saving ideas, budgeting tips, and ways to use what you already have so you can best use your resources to further the gospel of Christ. She believes the first step to a healthy financial life begins with a grateful heart. American Christians are an extremely blessed people!
Comments 1
Oh, Katina, thanks for that cute picture and for a good spirit! You have been such a blessing to me as you raise your kids and rely upon God’s grace. 🙂