Our Steps Are Permanent
Our steps are permanent.
Our actions cannot be undone.
They’re stamped in time’s concrete;
Sealed with evening’s setting sun.
What we’ve said and done today,
Follows us eternally.
Rewards are set in stone –
The book of yesterday complete:
The souls we’ve won;
The ones we’ve brought with us to glory,
Along with memories
Of times we failed to tell His Story;
A life of selfish pleasure,
Reflects a lack of consecration;
And will not result
In holy crowns of adoration.
This deep regret of steps we took
Of wasted years;
Will reap remorse,
A bended knee, and bitter tears.
Now is the time to build rewards,
To change; repent!
Beware – don’t throw your life away –
Our steps are permanent.

Nina came to know the Lord as a teenager, and is grateful for the Lord’s grace and mercy in her life as she has sought to grow in her relationship with Christ through the years.
She and her husband currently attend Lehigh Valley Baptist Church and enjoy being a part of the ministries there. Along with being a wife and homemaker, she is thrilled to be able to teach music lessons to a number of piano students in the area. Poetry and meditational or motivational writings based on scripture have also remained one of her passions through the years!