“Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?”
John 18:4
Whom seek ye? Jesus of Nazareth? The power found in that name alone knocked the soldiers off their feet that night. Whom do you seek? Do you seek this same Jesus? What is your intention once you find Him? Are you going to bind Him with chains and crucify Him yet again? Or are you going to usher Him forth to His rightful throne cleft within your heart? Will you allow Him the title and reign of Lord, or will you have Him waiting near only to call upon in times of need? Does the power of His name still take your breath away and cause you to press your face to the dirt?
This Jesus whom you seek is the Bread of Heaven and the Water of Life. He is Son, water and sustenance; all that is required for life. He is Forgiver, Comforter, Shepherd and Friend. When you find Him, and find Him you will, what then shall you do? When you read the record of your sins in the books of heaven and see them blotted out one and all by His precious blood, what then will you say? How much of your heart will you have wished that you gave Him? How will an eternity be long enough to say, “Thank you.” Perhaps by beginning now, we can get a bit of a start.
Bread of Heaven, Water of Life; Fulfillment of all I need and all for which I deeply long. What shall I do now that I have found Him? In humble adoration I shall bow. I will lift Him up, as did Simeon, and praise God for the glorious salvation that I have seen. I, with Mary, will ponder the wondrous proclamation in my heart that, this visitation of The Creator wrapped in infant flesh, comes with tidings of Great Joy which shall be unto all people. Fear is banished as our Saviour has come. Joy presides as we realize the grand truth that our God is pleased to come along side His creation to administer the Balm of Gilead to our sin-sick souls. He is pleased to fill our deepest need with His deepest love. With the heavenly host, I will lift my voice in rapturous strains of wondrous awe that Such a One has appeared to me in my life.
Oh, the mystery of the questions, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” The revealing of which will furnish reason enough to praise Him for ever and ever and evermore.
Whom seek I? The One that seekest me. The One Who has traversed the rough countryside in search of me. The One Who thought on me as His life blood drained from His holy veins for all the thoughtless wrongs I had ever committed. I seek Him Who is the helper to the fatherless and the widows and Who calls me to follow Him and do likewise. I seek Him Who has lost not one soul that has grasped His hand through His Holy Word in desperate dependence on the Truth found therein. I seek Him Who went about doing good and expects those that love Him to do the same, just because they love Him.
My gifts I lay at His feet. My gifts of praise, gratitude, humility, service and love, I willingly offer to Him choosing to submit these to His glory, honor, and power. “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” You, Who has created all, hold my life under your wing and has my name engraved upon your palms.
For this gift of You, I thank you. “We love Him, because He first loved us.” I love you, for you first loved me. You first loved me…You first…You. May you always be first in my thoughts, words and deeds. This will indeed take all the power that is in that wonderful name of Christ. May the mention of His name cause those around me to fall with me to their knees in humble adoration of all that He is and all that He is doing.
“Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise and with Thy honour all the day.”
Psalm 71:8

As seasons of life change, Elizabeth happily remains desperately dependent upon her God. Three of her four children have now branched off to begin their own families. She is a homeschooling veteran and a faithful wife for over 30 years.
Read Elizabeth’s salvation testimony here and her articles here.