Jennifer Byerly was one of our authors for many years, and we very sorrowfully gave her up in 2010 as she married the love of her life and moved to the Midwest. This was her bio when she was still writing for us, and we miss her way with words!
Jennifer’s real passion for writing started shortly after she received Christ when she was 14 years old. Before she knew the Savior, she wrote poems that had no meaning or purpose. Christ gave her a purpose and a passion for writing. You can read more about how the Lord changed Jennifer’s life here. Jennifer has a passion for singles. When she was a young single in her early 20’s, an older single woman mentored her. She taught Jennifer the importance of waiting on the LORD. Jennifer hopes her writings will encourage other singles to trust the LORD at all times. Her life verse is “My times are in Thy hand.” ~ Psalm 31:15a.
Jennifer enjoys many things, such as, Mission Trips, floral design, making jewelry, sewing, drawing, painting and working with children. Children give her the greatest joy. She loves being involved in the Master Club Ministry as the game coordinator.
Jennifer wrote her first book called Singleness of Heart which was published in Grace and Honor in 2007. Her current book can be found on her blog Take Heart, My Friend.

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.