In several past articles, we’ve addressed the dangers of pesticides, how to read organic labels and the benefits of purchasing locally. Very few, if any of us, can afford to purchase everything organic, so you may be sitting back and wondering what are the most important areas to focus on.
The Environmental Working Group has analyzed the pesticides on fifty fruits and vegetables and rated them from best to worst. This list has been split into two smaller lists known as the “Dirty Dozen” (those that would be best when organically grown) and the “Clean Fifteen” (those which are not as important to buy organic).
While you can view the whole list on their site, they offer a free download of these two shorter lists so that you can carry them with you. I trust that these lists will help you shop more wisely, reduce your exposure to pesticides and encourage you to better health!

Though she grew up in a Christian home, Allison did not realize her need of being born again until she was 21 years old, when she repented of her sin and put her faith in Jesus Christ alone. She is thrilled to be a member of a vibrant church where the gospel is preached clearly and unashamedly!
Allison is wife to Roland, who is the senior pastor at LVBC. She is also mother to five children. She enjoys reading, sewing, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.