Jisela, being the “Starr” that she is, has shared with us, a most stellar recipe! It is a recipe that even helps her to pray for a missionary family! Read on and I’ll let Jisela tell you why….
“One night after coming home from work I was in a hurry to make dinner and couldn’t figure out what to make, being as I’m not in the habit of meal planning (shame on me!). I threw these items together, and Mike enjoyed the dish so much, that I’ve continued to make it. Necessity is the mother of invention? Is that how it goes? The kids do enjoy it, and I’ve even served it to George & Kristin Hammett. She liked it so much, that she got the recipe and makes it for her family in South Africa! Since Kristin liked it so much, each time I make it, I think of her and her family, and pray for them.”
This is a very quick and easy recipe, and most delicious! Your choice of salsa, either mild, medium or hot, is best determined, by your own family’s taste buds.
Sofrito is the base for most Puerto Rican dishes. Packets of Sazon seasoning, can be purchased at your local grocery store, in the International products section. Sofrito can also be purchased, either canned in jars or frozen. Find a recipe, and your freshly prepared Sofrito, can be frozen in small amounts, for later use in a variety of recipes.
Jisela’s Spicy Savory Salsa Chicken
1 lb. skinless/boneless chicken breast
1 24oz. jar of chunky style salsa
1 packet of Goya Sazón with Saffron
1 T. Sofrito (blended mixture of garlic, onion, peppers, cilantro, “recao”
1 can of corn (drained)
8 oz package of shredded cheddar cheese
Place chicken breasts in chef’s pan, pour the Salsa over it. Sprinkle with the Sazón and mix in the Sofrito. Add the can of corn. Stir to mix with other ingredients. Cook for 20-30 minutes or until chicken is done.
Five minutes before removing chicken from stove, sprinkle with the cheese. Let it melt and thicken up the juice from the chicken. Serve over white rice.

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.